CropsProduction TechnologiesPulses
Mung & Mash in Pakistan / مونگ ماش کی کاشت
Last updated on February 10th, 2022 at 04:33 pm

Literature by: Mung & Mash in Pakistan / مونگ ماش کی کاشت, Government of the Punjab, Agriculture Department, Pakistan
Mung Mash Production Technology
Description of Mung Mash Crops
- Annual legume crop
- Protein rich cereal
- Originated from India
- Cultivated in dry and intermediate zones of Punjab
Best Varieties of Mung Crop:
- PRI-Mung-2018
- Azri Mung-2021
- Azri Mung-2018
- NM Mung-2016
- Niab Mung-2011
- Niab Mung-06
- Azri Mung-06
Best Varieties of Mash Crops
- Mash-97
- Arooj-2011
- NARC Mash-3
- Chakwal Mash
Soil Selection for the Mung Mash Crop
- Best: Sandy Loam Soil
- Sandy and Heavy Loam Soil
- Saline Soil, not fit for cultivation.
Sowing Time & Climte Required for Mung Mash
- Need: Warm climate 28-35 °C
- Spring Sowing Mung: 15 Feb-15 March
- Spring Sowing Mash: 15 Mar to 31 March
- Summer season Mung; Thall Region: Planting Time 1-15 June
- Irrigated Areas Mung: 15th June – 7th July
- Kharif Sowing Mash: 1st to 31st July
Sowing Method
- Irrigating the field after harvesting wheat
- Land Preparation at “Wattar” Condition (optimum moisture level)
- Drilling of Mung bean in lines @ 10-12 Kg/acre
- Row to row distance is maintained as 1 foot
- Application of Pre-Emergence Weedicide like Pendimethalin
- Mash Seed rate is 8-10 kg per acre
- Mash Plant Population should be 160000 to 180000 plants per acre
- For Mash RxR distance is 1 foot and PxP distance is 10 cm
Weeds Management in Mung Mash
- Losses 10-50 % are observed due to weeds
Hoeing is best method to control - Keep the crop free of weeds
First 6 weeks from seedling emergence are important
Before application of top dressing, weeding should be done
If there are more weeds regular weeding/suitable Post Emergence Weedicide should be practiced in 2 weeks interval - Use Post Emergence weedicides for Broad & Narrow leaves like Conquest, Fomesafen, Percept and Quizalofop
Fertilizer Application
- Basal dressing :
- Apply and incorporate in to the soil before sowing
- DAP 1/ NP1½ / SSP 2 Bags/Acre along with SOP/MOP 1 Bag/Acre
- Top dressing :
- Apply at flowering (about 30 days after sowing)
- Urea 1 Bag/Acre
- Critical Stages:
- Sufficient moisture is essential during
- germination
- flowering
- seed filling stages / pod formation
- Irrigation should be done according to requirement/need
- At Pod Maturing Stage: water supply should be cut down
- Maturity period should coincide with the dry whether condition for high yield and quality seeds
- Harvesting is done when 80-90% of the pods have reached physiological maturity stage/Turn Brown
- Mechanical Harvesting through Combine Harvester
- Finally seeds are winnowed to separate the chaff
- Dried under sun
Post Harvest
- Moisture content of seeds should not be above 13% at storage
- Seeds are mixed with ash or sand to protect from storage pests/
- Fumigate the Seed to protect from storage pests
- Stored in gunny bags and kept in clean, ventilated place
Major Diseases in Mung Mash
- Mung bean yellow mosaic virus
- Powdery mildew
- Bacterial blight
- Anthracnose
- Cercospora leaf spot
Insects / Pests in Mung Mash
- Aphid
- Termite
- White Fly
- Pod Borer
- Pod borer
- Beetles
- Whitefly
- Foliage beetle – Bean flies
- Aphids – Pod sucking bug

Literature: Mung Mash ki Kasht, ZTBL, Pakistan