Choosing a right crop will help you grow as a farmer. It will enable you to get high income using less inputs. is a compendium of Agriculture related subjects. All types of information, production technologies, plant protection measures is here on this site both in English and Urdu.
Our goal is to disseminate the knowledge of production technologies of crops among farmers to promote all Pakistan Agriculture. And also enable them to adopt plant protection measures without depending on the profiteering dealers.
Moreover, it is also a top platform for the Pakistan Agriculture graduates to get latest information on the crops and plant protection measures.
بہترین کوشش ھے اپکی اللہ کریم مزید کامیابیوں سےنوازے امین۔۔ کنگھی پام کے بیج کہا سے ملے گے بیجوں کے بارے میں بھی لکھیں۔
شکریہ۔ بیج یا پودے اپنے شہر کی بڑی نرسریوں سے پتہ کریں یا پتوکی سے پتہ کر وا لیں۔ شکریہ