Agri-MCQs # 1: Important MCQs for Agriculture related Tests
Last updated on March 18th, 2021 at 09:34 pm
Following are some of the most important MCQs for preparation of Agriculture related subjects. Agriculture Officer / Farm Manager / Cotton Inspector / Instructors at Institutes etc; Alll kinds of such tests maybe prepared.
1. _______ has been recommended for the control of weed in blackgram: |
2. _______ comprises important mechanisms of herbicide detoxification in soil under field conditions especially surface incorporation subsequent to rainfall or irrigation: |
3. |
_______is considered to be most important of the soil organisms bringing about the conversion of NH4+ to NO2- |
4. |
_______ is probably the most important growth limiting factor in acid soils especially those having pH below 5.0 – S.S: |
5. |
_______ of the NH4+ in a region of alkaline microsite helps to restore the conditions suitable for the normal conversion of NO2- to NO3- |
6. |
_______ degradation plays a major role in the persistence and behaviour of herbicides in the soil: |
7. |
________ generally augments the utilization of phosphorus which is water soluble: |
8. |
______ in 1909 developed an equation that related growth to the supply of plant nutrients: |
9. |
______ ion effect represents the effect of adsorbed ion on the release of another from the surface of a colloid: |
10. |
_______ a.i./ha has been recommended for the control of weeds in mungbean: |
11. |
Which of the following soil is of ashy grey in colour? |
12. |
Which of the following is perennial weed? |
13. |
Ratooning’ is practised as a matter of routine in: |
14. |
V’ notch is a: |
15. |
Scientific name of Cogon grass is: |
16. |
Velocity of Gale is: |
17. |
Arrowing refers to: |
18. |
Boll shedding in cotton is due to: |
19. |
Hot water treatment of sugarcane sets is done because: |
20. |
In Instrument that indicates the direction of the wind is: |
21. |
Reclamation disease due to copper deficiency occurs in plants grown on newly reclaimed acid soil: |
22. |
Trap crops refer to: |
23. |
2, 4-D is a herbicide: |
24. |
What is the effect of potassic fertilizers? |
25. |
2, 4-D is an important herbicide of: |
26. |
2, 4-D is the : |
27. |
The most sensitive stages of sunflower to water stress lie between: |
28. |
A basal dose of phosphorus at ______ g/m2 to tobacco nursery area has been recommended: |
29. |
A cloud type that occurs in low height in the atmosphere is: |
30. |
A farmer is to select suitable crops for a drought prone un-irrigated area. Which one of the following groups of crops should be chosen for mixed cropping? |
31. |
A good crop of potato yielding about 400 q/ha on an average removes _______ N + P2O5 + K2O kg/ha, respectively: |
32. |
Zero tillage system was first used successfully in 1950 in pasture renovation in: |
33. |
A lentil crop grown with improved package of practices may record the yield upto t/ha: |
34. |
A main shortcoming that was observed during green revolution: |
35. |
A millet crop is: |
36. |
A minor portion of the phosphorus absorption capacity of soils originates from: |
37. |
A screen which is used to measure the temperature of atmosphere is known as: |
38. |
A short duration crop in between two main crops is termed as: |
39. |
A tuber represents: |
40. |
A weed that spreads asthma is: |
41. |
According to the modern concepts; the major function of inter-row tillage is: |
42. |
Addition of ammonium sulphate to a herbicidal spray solution enhances the ______ against Agropyron repens: |
43. |
Adsali crop of sugarcane takes a period of maturity of: |
44. |
Affinity of the enzyme RuBP carboxylase for carbon dioxide is enhanced by: |
45. |
Winter application of phosphorus is followed in: |
46. |
American cotton should normally be planted at the distance of ______ cm: |
47. |
Ammonium sulphate is preferred for nitrogen application in groundnut because it also provides: |
48. |
Among small grain crops _____ has an exceptional tolerance to low levels of soil copper supply: |
49. |
Which system of irrigation is not practiced usually? |
50. |
With too much application of nitrogenous fertilizer, sugar content in juice of sugarcane will: |
51. |
Amorphous aluminosilicate minerals like allophane have ______ negative charge, which is partly or entirely balanced by complex aluminium cation: |
52. |
Anaerobic environment in paddy soil is responsible for gaseous loss of fertilizer nitrogen by: |
53. |
Application of nitrogen in cowpea at the time of planting is known as: |
54. |
Application of propanil after ______ in rice-paddies causes prohibitive vegetative injury: |
55. |
Application of urea, aqua-ammonia, anhydrous ammonia and diammonium phosphate form alkaline microsite at the point of application in rice ______ encourage the taking up of nitrite: |
56. |
Area required for raising seedlings for one-hectare normal sown crop of paddy: |
57. |
Arhar (pigeon pea) is commonly known as: |
58. |
As per principles of crop rotation pulses should be included in rotation because: |
59. |
Which portion of sugarcane stalk is preferred for sowing purposes? |
60. |
At pH ______ H+ ion toxicity is lessened by the removal of these ions: |
61. |
Autumn sown crop of sugarcane requires fertilizer than that of winter sown? |
62. |
Availability of phosphorus is maximum at pH: |
63. |
Azolla is a: |
64. |
Azotobacter spp fix nitrogen: |
65. |
Bacteria responsible for nitrification are: |
66. |
Balanced fertilizer is used: |
67. |
Barley requires _____ climate: |
68. |
Based on dark metabolism, glucose consumption for protein production is about _____ percent when nitrogen is provided as nitrate rather than as ammonium: |
69. |
Bagasse, a byproduct of sugar manufacturing industry, is used for the production of: |
70. |
Black soils are deficient in: |
71. |
Black soil is used for the cultivation of: |
72. |
Botanical name of Sixed row barley: |
73. |
Brassica Juncea is the scientific name of: |
74. |
Broadcast potassium is ________ than banded: |
75. |
Brown strips downy mildew of maize can be controlled by use of: |
76. |
Build up of soluble sugars and amino acids (due to inadequate potassium), low molecular weight compounds encourage the activity of: |
77. |
Butylate stimulates germination in ______ seeds by enhancing gibberellic activity or by changing membrane of seed permeability: |
78. |
By which of the following method of raising seedlings of rice, we can get the ready seedling in early time: |
79. |
Indirect methods of measuring soil water content consist of resistance method and: |
80. |
Capillary water will not be available to the plants it is held at a tension of: |
81. |
Castor belongs to family: |
82. |
Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? |
83. |
Chickpea pod borer can be controlled by the spray of: |
84. |
Clays such as kaolinite will fix larger quantities of phosphorus with _____ SiO2/R2O3 ratio: |
85. |
Common herbicide used in wheat is: |
86. |
Content of starch in maize is approximately: |
87. |
Cotton belongs to the _____ family: |
88. |
Blackgram grown in summer should be seeded at ______ kg/ha: |
89. |
Cowpea grown for grain purpose should be seeded at ______ kg/ha. |
90. |
Crop lodging refers to surface: |
91. |
Crop mixture have proved biologically most dynamic under: |
92. |
Crop production and animal husbandry collectively is known as: |
93. |
Crop rotation is defined as a: |
94. |
Cropping intensity is: |
95. |
Cropping intensity means: |
96. |
Cropping pattern is defined as: |
97. |
Crops during any season are generally able to recover only _____ of the added fertilizer phosphorus: |
98. |
Dapog method of crop raising is associated with: |
99. |
Dapog method of raising seedlings is related to: |
100. |
Dapog seedlings would be ready for transplanting within: |
101. |
Deep ploughing of soil in a groundnut field should normally be avoided because it: |
102. |
Deficiency of nitrogen in maize causes: |
103. |
Deficiency symptoms on apical buds is due to: |
104. |
Dehaulming in potato is done to obtain: |
105. |
Delinting of cotton helps in: |
106. |
Delinting of cottonseed may be done with: |
107. |
Denitrification losses of nitrogen in paddy field can be prevented by incorporating ammonical nitrogen into the: |
108. |
Which one of the following types of crop dultivations will be most appropriate and effective in forests? |
109. |
Dibbling (sowing) of wheat requires seed: |
110. |
Dispersing agents reduce ______ between similar particles: |
111. |
Doddar is a serious weed of: |
112. |
Which one of the following terms is used to denote the relative land area under sole crop required to produce the same yield as obtained under a mixed or an intercropping system at the same management level? |
113. |
Dry land farming mean: |
114. |
During kharif reason sunflower takes _____ days to mature: |
115. |
Dwarfing gene in rice is: |
116. |
Each unit increase in pH brings about a decrease in solubility of Fe2+ of _____ folds. |
117. |
Embryo seed dormancy is mainly found in: |
118. |
Enzyme responsible for hydrolysis of urea is: |
119. |
Excess of chlorides in tobacco: |
120. |
Fertilizer dose recommended for a crop of groundnut is N + P2O5 + K2O kg/ha, respectively: |