Agriculture MCQsPreparation for Agriculture Officer
Agri-MCQs # 16: Agri-Engineering/ Irrigation and Soil Science
Last updated on March 18th, 2021 at 09:03 pm
Find the most relevant MCQs of Agriculture Engineering, Irrigation and Soil Science for the Engineering related posts especially for the post of Water Management Department.
Do remember that these are only for reading as reference and also to have a general idea about the tests.
Note: Use Computer / Laptop for best display and Use Landscape display in mobile for best results
Q. No. | Question Statement | Ans. | Dept. |
1 | A good fuel should contain the quality of__________. a-Good volatility and free from gum b- high antiknock value c- chemical purity d- all above | d | FMP |
2 | Science of the occurrence, distribution and movement of water below the surface of earth is called________. a- Hydro-geology b- hydraulics c- groundwater hydrology d- none of these | c | ID |
3 | Total amount of water on earth is__________. a- 1.5*10^9 km^3 b- 2.3*10^8km^3 c- 2.2*10^8km^3 d- None of these | a | SEE |
4 | Tillage is the practice of _______. a-Modifying the soil state b-Controlling weed c- Controlling soil loss d-Applying soil nutrients | a | FMP |
5 | Ratio of rainfall in a particular year to average annual rainfall is called__________. a- rainfall ratio b- index of wetness c- percentage rainfall d- specific rainfall | b | ID |
6 | Which one is not synthetic material__________. a- PVC b- rubber c– wood d- asphalt | c | SEE |
7 | Renewable energy as source(comes from resources which are continually replenished )of farm power includes____________. a-Bio gas b-Solar Energy c-Wind Energy d-All of the Above | d | FMP |
8 | In pumps, cavitation will occur when pressure is___________. a- Lower than atmosphere b- Negative c- Lower than vapor pressure of the liquid d- All of above | c | ID |
9* | Which one of the following is the facultative bacterium__________. a-Pencillinion b-Pseudomonas c-Yeasts d-Phormedium | b | SEE |
10 | Measuring knock characteristics of fuel, the standard yardstick, is__________. a-Octane number b-cetane number c- calorific value d- boiling temperature | b | FMP |
11* | A sluice gate in a small pond discharges a flow having 10.0 m2 flow area and a velocity of 4.0 m/s. If the pond has a surface area of 1.0 hectare, the rate at which the water surface falls in a pond is__________. a- 0.25 m/s b- 4 cm/s c- 4 mm/s d- 4.0 m/s | c | ID |
12 | The operation of leveling to determine the elevation between two points is knownas_________ a-Simple leveling b- fly leveling c- differential leveling d- none | c | SEE |
13 | To destroy the insect, pests and their breeding place is the________. a-Objective of tillage b-Practice of tillage c-Requirement of tillage d-Measures of tillage | a | FMP |
14 | Universal Soil Loss Equation is named, because_____________ a- its validity is more b- it accounts all parameters affecting the soil loss c- it is universally adopted d- all above | c | ID |
15 | Which one is not affecting the strength of concrete___________. a- Composition b- curing time c- water d- stress | d | SEE |
16 | A device which is used to convert solar energy directly into electrical energy is called as________ a- Solar heater b-Solar cell c-Solar furnace d-Solar power plant | d | FMP |
17* | The dimensions of pressure in MLT system is__________. a- MLT-2 b- ML2T2 c- ML-1T-2 d- ML-1T-3 | c | ID |
18* | The residential and commercial portion makes up about percent of total MSW generated in a community __________. a- 50-70% b- 80-85% c- 40-50% d- none of these | a | SEE |
19 | The expected annual working hours of the centrifugal pump, is_______ a-10,000 b-15,000 c-20,000 d- 12,000 | a | FMP |
20* | The most important shape parameter in sediment analysis is_________. a-sphericity b- shape factor c- roundness d- form factor | a | ID |
21* | The range of chlorine in National Standard Water Quality is_________. a-<250mg-litre b->250mg/litre c-=250mg/litre d- None of above | a | SEE |
22 | Primary tillage is normally designed to________. a-Reduce soil strength b-Cover plant materials c-Rearrange aggregates d-All above | d | FMP |
23* | Barrages constructed across alluvial rivers help in: a- controlling floods b- restoring river regime c- ensuring monsoon storage d- all of them | b | ID |
24* | Photographs which change or enhance the true color of an object are called_________. a-True color b-False color c-Panchromatic d-None | c | SEE |
25 | If we know the engine speed, bore, stroke, number of cylinders and mean effective pressure in the cylinders, we can calculate____________. a- FHP b-IHP c-BHP d-All of the Above | d | FMP |
26 | In a new channel, the outlet generally provided is____________. a- AOSM b- open flume c- pipe outlet d- all of them | c | ID |
27 | Normal standard level for city traffic is___________. a- 60-70 dB b- 100-110dB c- 70-80 dB d- 50-60 dB | c | SEE |
28 | Strength of any material is indicated by it__________. a-Stress b- strain c- compressiveness d- compactness | a | FMP |
29* | A gravity dam derives its stability from______________. a- reinforcement provided in the dam body b- weight of water resting against sloping u/s face of damage c- weight of dam itself d- batter provided on d/s face of dam | c | ID |
30* | If s = 4t2- m, calculate the particle’s acceleration at t = 2s, a =___________? a-2 m/s2 b-4 m/s2 c-8 m/s2 d-16 m/s2 | a | SEE |
31 | Subsoiler is the______. a-Primary tillage plough b-Secondary tillage implement c-Conservation tillage tool d-Zero tillage machine | a | FMP |
32 | An example of artificial discharge of groundwater is___________. a- groundwater flow into streams b- springs c-pumpage from wells d- none of these | c | ID |
33 | Drying of wood is done to avoid___________. a- Shrinkage b- strength c- hardness d- change in mass | a | SEE |
34* | Knowing the speed at which an engine is running and the torque it is developing, we can calculate__________. a-FHP b-IHP c-BHP d-All of the Above | a | FMP |
35 | An index of wetness of 60% shows that in a particular year, there is___________. a- 40% more rainfall b- 60% more rainfall c- 40% less rainfall d- 60% less rainfall | c | ID |
36* | When there is high ground water then which method of land fill is suitable_________. a- Trench b- area c- canyon d-none of these | b | SEE |
37 | In a material, the tensile stress is due to________ a-Tension b- compactness c- sliding on another surface d- none | a | FMP |
38* | When water table deep, a bore hole is drilled and pump is placed into that to void___. a- priming b-cavitation c- pump damage d- all of above | b | ID |
39 | Wastes that will decompose rapidly especially in warm weather are called_________. a-residential waste b- MSW c- putrescible waste d- none of these | c | SEE |
40* | Secondary tillage is performed_____________. a-After primary tillage b-Ploughing the soil c-After crop planting d-All above | a | FMP |
41 | The total energy head for an open channel flow is written with usual notation as H = z+y +V2/2g. In this each of the term represent ____________. a- energy in kg m/kg mass of fluid b- energy in N m/N of fluid* c- power in kW/kg mass of fluid d- energy in N m/kg mass of fluid | b | ID |
42 | The space used for storage of grains____________. a- Dweller b- farm house c- farm stead d- farm service building | c | SEE |
43 | Two stoke engine is preferred for small vehicles because_______________. a- Fuel consumption is low b-Shock and vibrations are less c- Its size is small d- It is easy to control | c | FMP |
44 | Universal Soil Loss Equation is not used, when slopes are steeper than__________. a- 20% b- 10%c- 25% d- 5% | a | ID |
45* | The closing error in a closed traverse is adjusted by___________. a- Lehman’s rule b- Bowditch’s rule c- slide rule d- none of above | b | SEE |
46 | Bearing is a support, in which____________-. a-Journal rotates b. Shaft rotates c. Piston rotates d. Both a & b | d | FMP |
47 | The dimension of power in FLT system is_____________. a- FL2T b- FLT-1 c- FL-2T-2 d- FL-1T-2 | b | ID |
48 | The first optical laser was developed in__________. a-1947 b-1960 (Ruby Laser) c-1990 d-None | b | SEE |
49 | To pulverize the soil of seed bed’ is the_________. a-Objective of primary tillage b-Objective of secondary tillage c-Practice of zero tillage c-Practice of conservation tillage | b | FMP |
50 | The cross-section of natural silt transporting channels tends to have the shape of ___. a- trapezium b- semi-ellipse c- semi-circle d- none of them | b | ID |
51* | Spatial Resolution of IKONOS satellite___________. a-1x1m b-2x2m c-3x3m d-4x4m | d | SEE |
52 | A negative loop in the P.V diagram of an I.C engine is due to__________. a-Pre ignition in the engine b-Suction of air for engine c-Pre-opening of the exhaust valve d-High pressure in the cylinder | b | FMP |
53* | Which one among the following is a correct choice un relation to a weir________ a- it is helpful in diverting excess water to a river from canal b- It does not cause any heading up of water on the upstream side c- it store water by raised counter-balanced gate d- it increases the chances of floods in the upstream areas | d | ID |
54 | _________is the combination of the cook’s reversible level. a-Dumpy level b- Y-level c- Both (A &B) d- None | c | SEE |
55 | Piston pin bearing is made of__________. a-Bronze b-Copper c-Zinc d-Steel | a | FMP |
56* | The outlet type provided at the end in immediate vicinity of fall is: a- AOSM b- Open flume c- pipe d- all of them | b | ID |
57 | To get improved strength of wood it should be properly_________. a- Seasoned b- preservation c- drying d- all of above | d | SEE |
58 | Bullock drawn secondary tillage implement may be________. a-Harrow b-Cultivator c-Hoe d-All above | d | FMP |
59 | In a gravity dam, slightly curved in plan, the external forces are resisted by________. a- reinforcement provided in the dam body b- weight of dam c- arch action d- none of them | b | ID |
60 | Ozone lies in a group___________. a- chemical agents b- radiation c- physical agents d- mechanical means | a | SEE |
61 | The size of intake valve is_______________. a- Smaller than that of the exhaust valve b-Equal to that of the exhaust valve c- Larger than that of the exhaust valve d- Not depending upon the size of exhaust valve | c | FMP |
62 | Aquifer is also known as_____________. a- water bearing formation b-aquiclude c- both a&b d- none of these | a | ID |
63 | Rods used for measuring vertical distances are_________. a- Staff rod b- ranging rod c- both (a &b) d- none of above | a | SEE |
64 | Strength of farm implements depend on____________. a -Quality of material b- Kind of material c- Weight/area of material d- Both (a& b) | d | FMP |
65 | Which of the following methods is used for adjustment of rainfall records at a station? a- station-year method b-isohyetal method c- double mass analysis d- arithmetic average method | c | ID |
66 | A form of energy which is convertible at any time_________. a- Heat b- temperature c- none d- both (a & b) | a | SEE |
67 | An individual working element such as disc or shovel. Is called_________. a-Part of plough b-Tool c-Component of plough d-Implement | b | FMP |
68 | Pumps are required for_____________. a- surface irrigation b- sub-surface irrigation c- furrow irrigation d- sprinkler irrigation | d | ID |
69 | The walking step of a man is considered equal to__________. a- 80 cm b- 90 cm c- 100 cm d- 120 cm | a | SEE |
70 | During combustion the pressure in the cylinder may increase to as much as________. a-50 Kg/cm2 b-400 Kg/cm2 c-10 Kg/cm2d- 1 kg/cm2 | a | FMP |
71 | Piezometric head is the sum of____________. a- pressure head, elevation head and velocity head b- elevation head and velocity head c- pressure head and velocity head d- pressure and elevation head | d | ID |
72 | For the motion of satellite around the earth a non-rotating co-ordinates system is chosen with its________ own axis of rotation of earth a-origin b-center of curvature c-abscissa d- all of these | a | SEE |
73 | Durability of farm implementsdepends on_________________. a-Density of material b- Kind of material c- Quality of material d- Both (b& c) | d | FMP |
74* | Biological erosion control measure, refers to a- kinds of crops with their, rotation b- measures used for flow control c- both a & b d- none of above | a | ID |
75 | The magnetic bearing of line is measured clockwise from__________up to line in whole circle bearing system a- East b- west c- north d- south | c | SEE |
76 | Harrow or plough is_____________. a-An implement b-A tool c-A machine d-An equipment | a | FMP |
77 | Two equations are called dimensionally homogeneous, if the fundamental dimensions have identical powers of__________. a- mass b- length c- time d- all of these | d | ID |
78 | Structural frames used in multistory poultry houses are____________. a- Beam and post b- trusses c- arch d- braces | a | SEE |
79 | The power used in overcoming friction in the engine is called_____________. a- FHP b-BHP c-IHP d-None of the Above | a | FMP |
80 | For all homogeneous fluids, the value of Von-Karman Universal Constant is _______. a- 0 b- 1 c- 0.4 d- 0.8 | c | ID |
81 | When the measured length is less than actual length, error is_________. a- Negative error b- positive error c- both (a & b) d- none of above | a | SEE |
82 | Lubrication of ball and roller bearings is to________________. a-Act as cooling agent b- Preserve the surface from corrosion c- Protect the rubbing surfaces between rollers d- All above | d | FMP |
83* | If two canals are taken off from both the flanks of a river at the site of a diversion head works, then the number of under sluices and divide wall will respectively, be____. a- 1 and 1 b- 1 and 2c- 2 and 1 d- 2 and 2 | d | ID |
84 | 162-The phase 1 in generation of the principle landfill gases is__________. a- transition phase b- initial adjustment phase c- acid phase d-none | b | SEE |
85 | A normal ploughing is done for the depth of about_______________. a-15 cm b-50 cm c-100 cm d-2 cm | a | FMP |
86** | The outlet type provided at the tail in an old channel is________. a- AOSM b- open flume c- pipe d- all of them | b | ID |
87 | Mixture of wastes is called______________. a- residential b- commercial c- institutional d- commingled solid waste- | d | SEE |
88 | Piston displacement is calculated from the___________________. a- Cylinder diameter and length b- Piston length and diameter c-Bore and stroke d-None of the Above | c | FMP |
89 | Gravity dams transfer load to foundation by____________. a- arch action b- cantilever action b- arch and cantilever action d- none of them | b | ID |
90 | Biological transformation of solid waste involves_____________. a-Aerobic composting b- Anaerobic Digestion c- Both A &B d- Combustion | b | SEE |
91 | A bushing is the_______________. a- Replaceable lining for a bearing b- Worm for worm gear c-Pitch for pulley d-Sleeve in cylinder | a | FMP |
92 | A relatively impermeable formation neither containing nor transmitting water, is called_______. a-aquitard b-aquifuge c- leaky aquifer d- confined aquifer | b | ID |
93 | __________is the sixth functional elements of waste management system a- Waste Generation b- Waste Handling c-Waste Collectiond- Waste Disposal | d | SEE |
94 | Most common primary tillage implementis___________________. a-Desi plough b-M.B. plough c-Disc plough d-Turn rest plough | b | FMP |
95* | In which method of determining mean aerial depth of precipitation, the addition or removal of a rain gauge will change the whole scenario? a- arithmetic average method b-Thiessen polygon method c-isohyetal method d- both (a-& (b | b | ID |
96 | Source of ultraviolet radiation used for disinfection is_________. a- mercury arc lamp b- Ag conical lamp c-upgrade radiation lamp d- both (a&b) | a | SEE |
97 | A petrol engine consists of______________. a-Carburetor b-Ignition coil c-Spark plug d-All above | d | FMP |
98 | Priming of pumps is done with_________. a- water b- air c- the liquid which is to be pumped or heavier than the pumped liquid d- all of above | c | ID |
99 | The ratio of actual vapor pressure to saturation vapor pressure is called________. a- Saturation pressure b- superheated vapor c- water vapor d- relative humidity | d | SEE |
100 | Washers are used___________. a- Beneath the bolt head b- beneath the nut c- To hold two metal pieces d- Both (a& b) | d | FMP |