Agri-MCQs #13: Arid Zone Agriculture
Last updated on March 18th, 2021 at 09:18 pm
1. The word arid implies a deficiency of ____.
*a. Rainfall b. Temperature
c. Heat d. Solar energy
2. In cold deserts the mean temperature in the warmest months are less than ____oC.
a. 5 b. 7
*c. 10 d. 20
3. In sandy deserts of Pakistan annual rainfall is between ______mm.
a. 50-100 b. 100-175
c. 250-500 *d. 125-250
4. Discipline that studies the relationship between agricultural production and climatic factors is called agricultural _____.
a. Ecology *b Meteorology
c. Geology d. Physiology
5. Dregne (1982) describes ________ patterns of rainfall in dry regions.
a. Three *b Four
c. Five d. Six
6. Evaporation causes a rapid loss of water from a moist soil surface to a depth of ______ cm after rain.
a. 40-52 b. 30-42
*c. 10-12 d. 20-32
7. Heavy soils, when dry and cracked, have a very high initial _____ rate.
a. Evaporation *b Infiltration
c. Transpiration d. Volatalization
8. Very light rains are called when they are less than _____ mm.
a. 30 b. 20
*c. 10 d. 40
9. When warm, saturated air mass replaces cool, dry air mass over a cool surface ______ results.
a. Rain *b Fog
c. Snow d. Hail
10. More than _____% of the total energy input of the world comes from solar radiation.
a. 77 b. 88
*c. 99 d. 66
11. ____________ is the electromagnetic part of radiation energy.
*a. Light b. Rain
c. fog d. Temperature
12. Death of any plant part is called ________.
*a. Senescence b. Necrosis
c. Injury d. Hyponasty
13. The point at which assimilation gains equal respiration losses is known as _______ point.
a. Zero *b Compensation
c. Requirement d. Exchange
14. Maize is _________ plant.
a. C3 *b C4
c. CAM d. None
15. The relative length of daily light and dark periods is called ______.
a. Photosynthesis *b Photoperiodism
c. Photorespiration d. Phototropism
16. Sorghum is a ________ plant.
a. Long-day b Day-neutral
*c. Short-day d. None
17. Solubility of CO2 is high in _______ water.
*a. Cold b Hot
c. Warm d. Frozen
18. ____________ is damaged frequently by chilling stress.
*a. Cellular membrane b Mitochondria
c Nucleus d. Cytoplasm
19. The response of plants to change in day and night temperatures is called ____.
a. Photoperiodism b Photorespiration
*c. Thermoperiodism d. Chemoperiodism
20 Rapid breakdown of enzymes can occur due to high ___________.
*a. Temperature b Moisture
c. Rain d. Fog
21. ___________ soils absorb more radiant energy.
a. Wet b Dry
c. Both wet and dry d. None of them
22. The upper limit of the evaporation rate from a given soil vegetation unit under a given set of meteorological conditions is called __________.
*a. Potential evapotranspiration b Transpiration
c. Evapotranspiration d. Potential transpiration
23. Amount of water that is stored in the soil depends on the water ____
a. Density *b Holding capacity
c. Purity d. Quality
24. In Mediterranean regions crop of __________ can be grown without receiving a drop of rainfall from sowing to harvest.
a. Wheat *b Sorghum
c. Lentil d. Red pea
25. The amount of precipitation taken in by the soil depends on run off and _____.
a. Evaporation *b Infiltration
c. Transpiration d. Temperature
26. Which one is not a practice for controlling run off water?
a. Strip cropping b Contour ploughing
*c. Water harvesting d. Terracing
27. Which one is C3 plant?
a. Sugarcane b Maize
c. Sorghum *d. Cotton
28. Chemical named ________ mixed with surface soil to reduced evaporation by 43%.
*a. Hexadeconal b Methanol
c. HCl d. Benlate
29. The reservoir which is fed by diversions from the stream is called _______.
a. On stream *b Off stream
c. Up stream d. Down stream
30. _____________ can be used to reduce evaporation losses from reservoirs.
a. NaCl b H2SO4
*c. Wax d. HCl
31. Water accumulated in porous zone at moderate depth below soil is called _____.
*a. Ground water b Surface water
c. Capillary water d. Hygroscopic water
32. ____________ refers to the soil surface configuration and roughness that remain after tillage.
a. Geography *b Microtopography
c. Tilth d. Land scaping
33. ________________ is important to obtain an even distribution of water in the field.
a. Water energy *b Land leveling
c. Soil fertility d. Time of application
34. Moisture conservation varies _______________ as the depth of dry soil at surface when rainfall occurs.
a. Directly *b Inversely
c. Equally d. Rapidly
35. The large seeded cereals should be sown at maximum depth of _____ cm.
a. 2-3 *b 5-6
c. 15-16 d. 20-21
36. A tillage and planting system in which at least 30% of soil remains covered by crop residue after sowing is called
a. Zero tillage *b. Conservation tillage
c. Maximum tillage d. Minimum tillage
37. Which one is not the function of mulch?
a. Dissipates rain drop energy b Minimize crusting of the soil
c. Retards run-off *d. Decreases infiltration
38. Improved water conservation is the net result of reduced runoff and reduce _______ due to mulching.
*a. Evaporation b. Transpiration
c. Infiltration d. Fertility
39. In cold weather ________ soil is usually warmer.
a. Low thicked mulch b. Bare
*c. High thicked mulch d. All
40. Pakistan lies approximately between latitudes ______oN.
a. 10-17 b 34-50
*c. 24-37 d. 60-75
41. Pakistan lies approximately between longitudes ______oE.
a. 41-56 b 51-66
*c. 61-76 d. 71-86
42. Agro-ecological zones described by PARC are _______ in number.
a. 15 *b 10
c. 20 d. 25
43 Which one is not a secondary tillage implement?
*a. Chisel plough b. Land leveler
c. Disc harrow d. Cultivator
44. Which one is in-organic mulch.
*a. Plastic mulch b. Straw mulch
c. Stubble mulch d. Hay mulch
45. Which one is not artificial mulch?
a. Hay mulch *b Soil mulch
c. Leaves d. Plastic mulch
46 Mechanical soil stirring action carried on to provide favourable conditions to crop growth is called ___________.
a. Mulch b. Drainage
*c. Tillage d. Soil conservation
47. Pakistan has an area of ________ million hectares.
a. 76.9 *b 79.6
c. 69.7 d. 97.6
48. The actual amount of water vapour in air is called _________.
a. Specific humidity b. Relative humidity
*c. Absolute humidity d. Dew point
49. In cereals, fertilizer efficiency is measured by _________.
*a. Productivity index b. LAD
c. LAI d. C:N ratio
50. Fertilizer use efficiency can be expressed in terms of _________.
a. Grain size *b. Recovery of applied nutrients
c. Plant height d. Analysis of plant
51. Mass or moles of CO2 fixed per unit of water lost from leaf is _______.
a. Photosynthetic efficiency b. Fertilizer efficiency
*c. Transpiration efficiency d. Light efficiency
52. The C4 and CAM pathways are mechanisms of ______ adaptation.
a. Technological b. Mechanical
c. Geological *d. Ecological
53. Which one is not a measure to combat drought.
a. Weed control b. Dust mulching
c. Grow drought tolerance crop *d. Apinosity
54. In wheat at which stage developing head within the sheath of the flag leaf becomes visibly enlarged.
a. Jointing *b Booting
c. Milk d. Dough development
55. Water that is exuded by plants, usually on overcast nights, when soil is warm and moist is called.
a. Humidity b. Dew
*c. Guttation d. Fog
56. Which one is not the characteristics of light which affect plant growth and development.
a. Duration b. Quality
c. Intensity *d. Darkness
57. The study of grasses is called ___________.
a. Forestry b. Physiology
c. Ecology *d. Agrostology
58. Agrigate of atmospheric conditions over a long period of time is called ____.
a. Weather B Meteorology
*c. Climate d. Temperature
59. Stress, injury and disease are collectively called ________.
a. Disease *b Disorder
c. Mortality d. Retting
60. Study of relationship between living organisms and their environment is called ______.
*a. Ecology b. Physiology
c. Histology d. Taxonomy