Agriculture MCQsPreparation for Agriculture Officer

Agri-MCQs #13: Arid Zone Agriculture

Last updated on March 18th, 2021 at 09:18 pm

1.            The word arid implies a deficiency of  ____.

                *a.          Rainfall b.            Temperature

                c.             Heat                      d.            Solar energy

2.            In cold deserts the mean temperature  in the warmest months are less than ____oC.

                  a.          5                              b.            7

                *c.          10                           d.            20

3.            In sandy deserts of Pakistan annual rainfall is between ______mm.

                a.            50-100                     b.          100-175

                c.             250-500                                *d.         125-250

4.            Discipline that studies the relationship between agricultural production and climatic factors is called agricultural _____.

                a.            Ecology                 *b           Meteorology

                c.             Geology                               d.            Physiology

5.            Dregne (1982) describes ________ patterns of rainfall in dry regions.

                a.            Three                    *b           Four

                c.             Five                        d.            Six

6.            Evaporation causes a rapid loss of water from a moist soil surface to a depth of ______ cm after rain.

                  a.          40-52                     b.            30-42

                *c.          10-12                     d.            20-32

7.            Heavy soils, when dry and cracked, have a very high initial _____ rate.

                a.            Evaporation                        *b           Infiltration

                c.             Transpiration                       d.          Volatalization

8.            Very light rains are called when they are less than _____ mm.

                  a.          30                           b.            20

                *c.          10                           d.            40

9.            When warm, saturated air mass replaces cool, dry air mass over a cool surface ______ results.

                a.            Rain                       *b           Fog

                c.             Snow                       d.          Hail

10.          More than _____% of the total energy input of the world comes from solar radiation.

                a.            77                           b.            88

                *c.          99                           d.            66

11.          ____________ is the electromagnetic part of radiation energy.

                *a.          Light                      b.            Rain

                  c.          fog                         d.            Temperature

12.          Death of any plant part is called ________.

                *a.          Senescence        b.            Necrosis

                c.             Injury                    d.            Hyponasty

13.          The point at which assimilation gains equal respiration losses is known as _______ point.

                a.            Zero                       *b           Compensation

                c.             Requirement       d.          Exchange

14.          Maize is _________ plant.

                a.            C3                           *b           C4

                c.             CAM                      d.            None

15.          The relative length of daily light and dark periods is called ______.

                a.            Photosynthesis                 *b           Photoperiodism

                c.             Photorespiration              d.            Phototropism

16.          Sorghum is a ________ plant.

                  a.          Long-day             b             Day-neutral

                *c.          Short-day            d.            None

17.          Solubility of CO2 is high in _______ water.

                *a.          Cold       b             Hot

                  c.          Warm    d.            Frozen

18.          ____________ is damaged frequently by chilling stress.

                *a.          Cellular membrane         b             Mitochondria

                   c           Nucleus                                d.            Cytoplasm

19.          The response of plants to change in day and night temperatures is called ____.

                  a.          Photoperiodism                b             Photorespiration

                *c.          Thermoperiodism                            d.            Chemoperiodism

20           Rapid breakdown of enzymes can occur due to high ___________.

                *a.          Temperature     b             Moisture

                c.             Rain                       d.            Fog

21.          ___________ soils absorb more radiant energy.

                a.            Wet                                       b             Dry

                c.             Both wet and dry             d.            None of them

22.          The upper limit of the evaporation rate from a given soil vegetation unit under a given set of meteorological conditions is called __________.

                *a.          Potential evapotranspiration      b             Transpiration

                c.             Evapotranspiration                          d.            Potential transpiration

23.          Amount of water that is stored in the soil depends on the water ____

                a.            Density                 *b           Holding capacity

                c.             Purity                      d.          Quality

24.          In Mediterranean regions crop of __________ can be grown without receiving a drop of rainfall from sowing to harvest.

                a.            Wheat                  *b           Sorghum

                c.             Lentil                     d.            Red pea

25.          The amount of precipitation taken in by the soil depends on run off and _____.

                a.            Evaporation                        *b           Infiltration

                c.             Transpiration                     d.            Temperature

26.          Which one is not a practice for controlling run off water?

                a.            Strip cropping    b             Contour ploughing

                *c.          Water harvesting             d.            Terracing

27.          Which one is C3 plant?

                a.            Sugarcane           b             Maize

                c.             Sorghum                              *d.         Cotton

28.          Chemical named ________ mixed with surface soil to reduced evaporation by 43%.

                *a.          Hexadeconal      b             Methanol

                c.             HCl                         d.            Benlate

29.          The reservoir which is fed by diversions from the stream is called _______.

                a.            On stream           *b           Off stream

                c.             Up stream             d.          Down stream

30.          _____________ can be used to reduce evaporation losses from reservoirs.

                a.            NaCl                       b             H2SO4

                *c.          Wax                       d.            HCl

31.          Water accumulated in porous zone at moderate depth below soil is called _____.

                *a.          Ground water    b             Surface water

                  c.          Capillary water  d.            Hygroscopic water

32.          ____________ refers to the soil surface configuration and roughness that remain after tillage.

                a.            Geography         *b           Microtopography

                c.             Tilth       d.            Land scaping

33.          ________________ is important to obtain an even distribution of water in the field.

                a.            Water energy    *b           Land leveling

                c.             Soil fertility           d.          Time of application

34.          Moisture conservation varies _______________ as the depth of dry soil at surface when rainfall occurs.

                a.            Directly *b           Inversely

                c.             Equally                  d.           Rapidly

35.          The large seeded cereals should be sown at maximum depth of _____ cm.

                a.            2-3                          *b           5-6

                c.             15-16                     d.            20-21

36.          A tillage and planting system in which at least 30% of soil remains covered by crop residue after sowing is called

                a.            Zero tillage                          *b.         Conservation tillage

                c.             Maximum tillage                               d.            Minimum tillage

37.          Which one is not the function of mulch?

                a.            Dissipates rain drop energy         b             Minimize crusting of the soil

                c.             Retards run-off                                 *d.         Decreases infiltration

38.          Improved water conservation is the net result of reduced runoff and reduce _______ due to mulching.

                *a.          Evaporation        b.            Transpiration

                c.             Infiltration           d.            Fertility

39.          In cold weather ________ soil is usually warmer.

                a.            Low thicked mulch           b.            Bare

                *c.          High thicked mulch            d.          All

40.          Pakistan lies approximately between latitudes ______oN.

                a.            10-17     b             34-50

                *c.          24-37     d.            60-75

41.          Pakistan lies approximately between longitudes ______oE.

                a.            41-56     b             51-66

                *c.          61-76     d.            71-86

42.          Agro-ecological zones described by PARC are _______ in  number.

                a.            15           *b           10

                c.             20           d.            25

43           Which one is not a secondary tillage implement?

                *a.          Chisel plough     b.            Land leveler

                c.             Disc harrow        d.            Cultivator

44.          Which one is in-organic mulch.

                *a.          Plastic mulch      b.            Straw mulch

                  c.          Stubble mulch   d.            Hay mulch

45.          Which one is not artificial mulch?

                a.            Hay mulch           *b           Soil mulch

                c.             Leaves                  d.            Plastic mulch

46           Mechanical soil stirring action carried on to provide favourable conditions to crop growth is called ___________.

                a.            Mulch                   b.           Drainage

                *c.          Tillage                   d.           Soil conservation

47.          Pakistan has an area of ________ million hectares.

                a.            76.9                        *b           79.6

                c.             69.7                        d.            97.6

48.          The actual amount of water vapour in air is called _________.

                a.            Specific humidity              b.            Relative humidity

                *c.          Absolute humidity           d.            Dew point

49.          In cereals, fertilizer efficiency is measured by _________.

                *a.          Productivity index            b.            LAD

                c.             LAI                                          d.            C:N ratio

50.          Fertilizer use efficiency can be expressed in terms of _________.

                a.            Grain size            *b.         Recovery of applied nutrients

                c.             Plant height        d.            Analysis of plant

51.          Mass or moles of CO2 fixed per unit of water lost from leaf is _______.

                a.            Photosynthetic efficiency             b.            Fertilizer efficiency

                *c.          Transpiration efficiency d.            Light efficiency

52.          The C4 and CAM pathways are mechanisms of ______ adaptation.

                a.            Technological                     b.            Mechanical

                c.             Geological                           *d.         Ecological

53.          Which one is not a measure to combat drought.

                a.            Weed control                     b.           Dust mulching

                c.             Grow drought tolerance crop      *d.         Apinosity

54.          In wheat at which stage developing head within the sheath of the flag leaf becomes visibly enlarged.

                a.            Jointing *b           Booting

                c.             Milk       d.            Dough development

55.          Water that is exuded by plants, usually on overcast nights, when soil is warm and moist is called.

                a.            Humidity              b.            Dew

                *c.          Guttation            d.            Fog

56.          Which one is not the characteristics of light which affect plant growth and development.

                a.            Duration              b.            Quality

                c.             Intensity              *d.         Darkness

57.          The study of grasses is called ___________.

                a.            Forestry               b.            Physiology

                c.             Ecology                 *d.         Agrostology

58.          Agrigate of atmospheric conditions over a long period of time is called ____.

                a.            Weather                              B             Meteorology

                *c.          Climate                 d.            Temperature

59.          Stress, injury and disease are collectively called ________.

                a.            Disease                *b           Disorder

                c.             Mortality             d.            Retting

60.          Study of relationship between living organisms and their environment is called ______.

                *a.          Ecology                 b.            Physiology

                c.             Histology               d.          Taxonomy

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