Agri-MCQs #12: Weeds Management
Last updated on March 18th, 2021 at 09:20 pm
1. The word competition comes from ______ word “competere”
2. Weed-crop competition is severe ________
*a.At early growth stagesbThroughout the growth period
c.At lateral growth stagesd.None of these
3. Mixing of two or more crops of different species result in
a.No competition for weeds*bIncreased competition for weeds
c.Decreased competition for weedsd.None of these
4. ___________ can be driven away if gram is included in rotation.
a.Phalaris minor*bAvena fatua
c.Chenopodium albumd.Chenopodium murale
5. _________weather conditions favour weed growth
a.Favourable *bAdverse
c.Normald.None of these
6. __________ is the first nutrient to become limiting in weed-crop competition
7. The shortest time span in life cycle of a crop when weeding results in highest economical returns is called
a.Economic threshold levelbCritical threshold level
c.Economic weed-crop competition period*d.Critical weed-crop competition period
8. In ______ poisonous compound prussic acid contents increases at tillering stage
*a.Sorghum halpenseb.Echinocloa crusgali
c.Avena fatuad.Phalaris minor
9. If seeds of __________ mixed with mustard oil it can cause death and blindness in human being
a.Cenchrus ciliaris*bArgemone mexicana
c.Lolium temolentumd.Avena fatua
10. _________ is alternate host of stalk borer of miaze
*a.Chenopodium albumb.Chenopodium murale
c.Echinocloa crusgalid.Cyprus rotundus
11. Which weed is used as pollution indicator?
a.Fathen BWild mustard
c.Wild spinach*d.Both a & b
12. Chick weed indicates _________
a.Acidic soilBBasic soil
c.Calcareous soil*d.Neutral soil
13. Faten hen is English name of _______
a.Chenopodium album*b.Chenopodium murale
c.Echinocloa crusgalid.Cyprus rotundus
14. Weed ecology is divided into ___________
a.Weed autecology & cytology*bWeed autecology & synecology
c.Weed autecology & anatomyd.None of these
15. In weed autecology we study
a.Interspecific competitionb.Intraspecific competition
*c.Both a & bd.None of these
16. The community character is dynamic and change in course of time due to external and internal factors and is called _____
a.Ecological optima*bEcological succession
c.Ecological alterationd.None of these
17. Which one is a category of weed depending upon light requirement?
c.Photophytes*d.Both a & b
18. Weeds with triangular stem are called ________
a.Herbs *bSedges
c.Shrubs d.Creepers
19. Cressa cretica is a common weed found in _______ soils of Sindh
c.Acidicd.Both a & b
20. Typha species grow in ________ soils
c.Acidicd.Both a & b
21. Basophiles are weeds which grow well in _____ soils
c.Neutrald.Both a & b
22. __________ grow in acidic soils
c.Neutrophilesd.None of these
23. __________ is associated weed of rice and grow well in frequent flooding
a.Avena fatua* bEchinocloa crusgali
c.Phalaris minord.Echinocloa arvensis
24. Striga Spp. Is a parasitic weed of __________
* c.Sugarcaned.cotton
25. Asphadelus tenuifolius is associated weed of
* a.Gram bWheat
c.Lentil d.Soybean
26. Which one is not an associated weed of wheat
a.Wild oatbDumbi sitti
c.Krund* d.Itsit
27. Which one is major weed of wheat
a.Wild onionbWild pea
*c.Wild oatd.Itsit
28. The botanical name of wild oat is
*a.Avena fatuabAvena sativa
c.Phalaris minord.Chenopodium album
29. Cyperus rotundus is locally called __________
c.Diddend.Jangli Jai
30. Wild oat is differentiated from wheat due to ___________
*a.Presence of well developed ligulesbPresence of well developed auricles
c.Absence of both ligules and auricled.Presence of both ligules and auricles
31. The process of limiting weed infestation so that crops can be grown profitably is called __________________
*a.Weed controlbWeed management
c.Weed eradicationd.Integrated weed management
32. The principle of weed management is _____________
a.To eradicate weeds*b.To reduce weed density to Economic Threshold Level
c.To shift competition in favour of weeds d.To make conditions suitable for weed control
33. The seeds of Chenopodium album can remain viable for _______ years after burial in the soil
34. Phalaris minor can produce ________ seeds per plant
35. The seeds of Chichorium intybus are morphologically similar to
36. The roots of lehli can go upto the depth of _________ feet
37. The plants of Echinocloa resembles with seedlings of ________
38. Use of same herbicide year after year results in _______
a.Complete eradication of a specific weed*bResistance in weed for that herbicide
c.No effect on weedsd.Damage crop plants
39. Which one is not a preventive method of weed control?
a.Use of weed free seed bUse of well rotten farm yard manure
*c.Adjustment in time of sowing d.Use of clean tools and machinery
40. Days to emergence decrease with __________ seeding depth
c.Constantd.None of these
41. At the time of transplanting rice seedling, field should be kept flooded with _____ cm
42. __________ is used as biological agent for controlling weeds
a.Crab fish*bCray fish
c.Star fishd.None of these
43. Direct or indirect harmful effect of one plant on another through production of chemical compound is called ________
44. Which one is not an allelopathic agent?
45. Which one is not a type of mulch?
a.Living mulchb.Organic mulch
c.Natural mulch*d.Thermal mulch
46. __________ is also known as field bind weed.
*a.Convolvulus arvensis bTriticum aestivum
c.Trianthema portulacastrum d.Cyprus rotundus
47. Wild onion propagates asexually by ________
48. Which one is not an annual weed?
a.Chenopodium albumbBidens pilosa
*c.Daucus carotad.Both a & b
49. Convolvulus arvensis is also called ____
*a.Lehlib.Billi booti
c.It sitd.Bathu
50 Which one is not a weed of cotton?
a.It sitb.Deela
*c.Wild oatd.Chulai
51. Which one is not a post-emergence herbicide?
c.Puma super*d.Stomp
52. Weed density-crop relationship is ______
c.Curvilineard.None of these
53. Which crop has allelopathic potential?
a.Sorghum b.Rice
c.Oat*d.Both a & b
54. Which one is perennial weed?
a.Chenopodium albumb.Avena fatua
*c.Cyprus rotundusd.None of these