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5 Surprising Side Effects of Garlic – Take Care!

Last updated on June 24th, 2024 at 11:18 am

While you may have heard of the positive effects of garlic, there are also some side effects of side effects to be aware of. Among these is a headache. Some people have also reported experiencing a bad odor in the mouth and diarrhea. Those who are suffering from vaginal yeast infections should avoid garlic altogether, as it may cause this condition. Similarly, too much garlic may cause a bad odour in the mouth. Despite the many benefits of garlic, some people have had negative reactions to it.

Consuming too much garlic can trigger a headache

One of the many foods that can cause a headache is garlic. This is one of the most common side effects of garlic. It triggers a migraine headache by activating a process in the body that involves the trigeminal nerve, a major pain pathway. When this nerve is activated, it releases neuropeptides, which rush to the membrane surrounding the brain. When this occurs, the pain is experienced. Another way garlic can cause a headache is through vaginal irritation. Some women may insert garlic cloves into their vaginal tissue in order to relieve the pain. This is not recommended.

There are other causes of a migraine, including eating aged cheese, pickled foods, avocados, and processed meats. According to the Cleveland Clinic, about 20 percent of sufferers of headaches developed migraine because of their diet. Some other red flags for headache are fever, confusion, and numbness. Headaches can also be a sign of other underlying conditions, including vision problems. For the best results, consult a physician immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.

A study published in the Journal of Neurology suggests that around 20% of migraine sufferers are food sensitive. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have performed a study to identify what foods are the most common triggers for migraines. The study included 684 migraine and tension headache sufferers who were given a list of 25 different foods. Of these, nineteen were identified as triggers. The researchers noted that garlic, onions, and soy are among the most common foods in migraine sufferers’ diets.

In addition to its pungent smell and flavour, garlic is known for its medicinal properties. Some even claim that garlic cures cancer. It contains sulfur compounds that slow down the brain. Garlic may cause a headache for some, but there are also side effects of too much garlic consumption. People who eat garlic raw should wear gloves when they are cutting it. Consuming too much garlic can also lead to diarrhea, which is bad news for the gut. The bad news is that garlic is an excellent spice for your diet, but consuming too much can also increase your risk of bleeding.

Side Effects of Garlic: Too much garlic can cause diarrhea

People who are intolerant to fructan, a component of garlic, may have diarrhea after eating too much of it. However, in a study by King’s College London, researchers discovered that the fibers in garlic can actually help to improve gut health and aid digestion. The fibers are called “prebiotics,” and they include inulin, a nondigestible carb that bacteria in the gut need to perform their normal functions. Because of this, garlic is one of the foods that promote friendly bacteria in the digestive tract, which prevents the growth of bacteria that can cause diseases.

Garlic has many health benefits, but it can also be dangerous for the digestive system. In large doses, garlic can cause diarrhea, although this effect is less common in small amounts. Many people who are sensitive to garlic may not experience this problem. Garlic is often used to season foods and is present in many dishes. But, it’s worth remembering that consuming too much can lead to digestive distress. Those who have fructan intolerance or IBS should avoid garlic, as it can trigger diarrhea.

Aside from diarrhea, excessive garlic consumption can also lead to hyphema, a bleeding inside the eye chamber between the cornea and iris. In addition, it can also cause fatigue, particularly the day after consumption. In more serious cases, garlic can cause chronic fatigue. Fatigue, foggy-brain, lethargy, and overall weakness may be a sign that you have too much garlic in your system.

Onions and garlic contain fructans and sugar alcohols, which are difficult for your digestive system to digest. The sugars and carbohydrates in onions and garlic can cause diarrhea, as well. Onions are also high in fiber and can be difficult to digest. However, you can substitute these vegetables with celery or fennel, which have a milder effect on your digestive system and cause diarrhea. They can cause heartburn and irritate the lining of your intestine.

Too much garlic can cause a bad odour in the mouth

If you frequently consume too much garlic, you may notice an unpleasant odour in your mouth. There are many ways to reduce the smell of garlic breath. You should drink milk, full-fat milk works best. Also, lemon juice can neutralize the odor of garlic and onions. To minimize the smell of garlic, cut garlic cloves in half and remove the stem. Also, if you’re not sure how to avoid bad breath, you can chew spearmint gum, which may temporarily neutralize the garlic smell.

While garlic has numerous health benefits, it’s important to keep in mind that too much garlic can lead to a foul smell in the mouth. The inner portion of garlic bulb comes into contact with air, changing into multiple sulfur-containing compounds. Allicin is what gives garlic its pungent odour. After garlic is eaten, it enters the bloodstream and is discharged through the breath and sweat. Using garlic breath remedies like chewing gum and using peppermint leaves will help reduce the smell, but these remedies are not ideal for a chronic odour.

While gargling with garlic may be a pleasant experience, it can also make your breath smell like garlic. A study published by the University of Minnesota explains the mechanisms behind the odour of garlic breath. The researchers found that garlic releases a compound called allicin, which breaks down into four smelly compounds. Of these, allyl methyl sulfide (AMS) is the most offensive one. It can stay in the body for a long time, and even get into the bloodstream and urine.

Fresh fruit also fights off the bad breath caused by onion and garlic. You can avoid eating an onion bagel before an important interview, or experiment with home remedies to reduce the smell of garlic and onion. A halitosis remedy may help you get rid of your odor for good. This is not a permanent solution, but it’s definitely worth a try.

Too much garlic can cause hyphema

Excessive consumption of garlic may cause the ailment of hyphema, a bleeding inside the eye chamber between the iris and cornea. This condition may be permanent. The overdose of garlic may cause an increase in blood pressure and even chemical burns in the mouth and kidneys. It can also cause life-threatening allergic reactions and trigger the onset of pemphigus, an autoimmune disease.

Garlic is not recommended for pregnant women, as it can induce unsafe labour and may interfere with the body’s ability to heal wounds. Studies have also shown that too much garlic can cause hyphema. Hyphema is bleeding inside the eye chamber, in the space between the iris and cornea. In extreme cases, it can result in loss of vision or blindness. Excess garlic intake should be avoided for two weeks before surgery.

Stomach Problems: Side Effects of Garlic

Too much garlic can also cause stomach problems and can increase the risk of low blood pressure. It’s also important to consult your doctor about the safe dosage of garlic. In addition, the garlic compound sulfur can cause diarrhea when eaten on an empty stomach. If you’re pregnant, you should avoid garlic if you’re taking medication that lowers blood pressure. While garlic has many benefits, it can also lead to bad breath.

While garlic is not toxic in small amounts, too much garlic can worsen GERD, which is a condition in which the stomach’s acid flows back into the esophagus, causing heartburn and nausea. It may also cause severe digestive problems, including bowel problems such as gas and vomiting. If you’re already taking medication for this condition, it’s important to consult with your doctor before starting a new diet.

Some Benefits of Garlic

Although garlic can be harmful in large doses, the benefits it offers far outweigh the risks. It boosts your immunity and lowers colon cancer risk. It also helps relieve pain. Consuming garlic regularly has many health benefits. However, too much garlic can lead to diarrhea and bleeding, and you should consult a doctor before using this spice in your cooking. If you are a garlic lover, here are six unexpected benefits you should know about garlic.

Eating garlic can help ward off common colds, preventing a recurrence of the condition, and is beneficial in many other ways. It contains antiviral and antibiotic properties, and helps reduce inflammation. In addition to fighting off the common cold, garlic contains sulphur and selenium, which support healthy blood and the cardiovascular system. You can eat garlic in any form, even raw.

Check out how to grow Garlic in Pakistan (In Urdu Language)

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