Agri-MCQs # 4: Field Crop Experimentation
Last updated on March 18th, 2021 at 09:29 pm
1. Measure that specified the range of values within which any %age of the sample means is located
a. Conditional variable
* b. Confidence interval
c. Confidentiality
d. None
2. Variable that do not have a minimal size unit
a. Discontinuous variable
* b. Continuous variable
c. Continuous invariable
d. Variable
3. A characteristic of sample statistic that determines the appropriate sampling distribution called
* a. Degree of freedom
b. Probability
c. Experimental error
d. None
4. The variable hypothesized to explain variations in the dependent variable is called
a. Dependent variable
* b. Independent variable
c. Control variable
d. None
5. The variable that the researcher wished to explain is called
* a. Dependent variable
b. Independent variable
c. Control variable
d. None
6. Variables with a minimal size unit called
a. Dependent variable
b. Independent variable
c. Control variable
* d. Discrete variables
7. The sum total of all observations divided by their number is called
a. Mean
* b. Arithmetic mean
c. Median
d. Mode
8. A measure of central tendency defined as the point above and below which 50% of the observation fall
* a. Median
b. Mean
c. Mode
d. None
9. A measure of central tendency defined as the most frequently occurring observation category in the data called
* a. Mode
b. Median
c. Mean
d. Arithmetic mean
10. The simultaneous effect of several independent variable on the dependent variable is called
a. Negative relation
b. Positive relation
* c. Multiple relation
d. None
11. A direction which indicates that as value of one variable increases, the value of another decreased called
* a. Negative relation
b. Positive relation
c. Multiple relation
d. None
12. A relation between two variables X & Y of the form Y = ax+b is called
a. Multiple relation
* b. Linear relation
c. Positive relation
d. Negative relation
13. A graph of a linear relation is
a. Ascending
* b. Straight line
c. Curve
d. None
14. A direction which indicates that as value of one variable increases, the value of another also increases is called
a. Negative relation
* b. Positive relation
c. Multiple relation
d. Linear relation
15. The aggregate of all cases that conform to some designated set of specifications is
a. Sample
* b. Population
c. Probability sample
d. None
16. The standard deviation of a sampling distribution is
a. Standard deviation
* b. Standard error
c. Standard score
d. None
17. A commonly used measure variability whose size indicates the dispersion of distribution is
* a. Standard deviation
b. Standard error
c. Standard score
d. None
18. The repetition of an investigation in an identical way as safeguard against unintentional error is
a. Randomization
* b. Replication
c. Blocking
d. Non e
19. Program that guides the investigator in the process of collecting, analyzing, an interpreting observations is
a. Statistics
b. Statistic
* c. Research design
d. None
20. Consistency of a measuring instrument is
a. Relation
* b. Reliability
c. Resistance
d. None
21. Any sub set of a sampling unit from a population is
a. Population
* b. Sample
c. Sampling distribution
d. None
22. A single member of a sampling population is
a. Population
b. Sample
* c. Sampling unit
d. None
23. An intellectual problem calling for an answer in the form of scientific inquiry is
a. Research design
* b. Research problem
c. Research process
d. None
24. The rejection of a true null hypothesis is
* a. Type I error
b. Type II error
c. Type III error
d. None
25. The acceptance of a false null hypothesis is
a. Type I error
* b. Type II error
c. Type III error
d. None
26. A measure that specifies the range of a value within which any %age of the sample mean is located is called
a. Conditional variable
* b. Confidence interval
c. Confidentiality
d. None
27. A research design that allows one to examine simultaneously the effects of two or more independent variables on the dependent variable is called
* a. Factorial design
c. CRD
d. LSD
28. A tentative answer to a research problem expressed in the form of a relation between independent and dependent variables is
a. Theory
* b. Hypothesis
c. Experiments
d. None
29. A specified value of a population is
a. Panel
* b. Parameter
c. Parametric test
d. None
30. Any quantity or quality which differs from individual to individual in the same population is
a. Continuous variable
* b. Statistical variable
c. Discrete variable
d. None
31. There are _____ basic principles of experimental design
a. 2
* b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
32. Three basic principles of experimental design are randomization, replication and _______
* a. Local control
b. Sampling
c. Blocking
d. None
33. The ________ is probably the most widely used of all experimental design
a. CRD
* b. RCBD
c. LSD
d. None
34. Latin square design usually will minimize ______ effectively the influence of soil heterogeneity
a. Less
* b. More
c. Not at all
d. None
35. Latin square design is _______ flexible than the randomized complete block design
a. More
* b. Less
c. Equal
d. None
36. Systematic inquiry into a subject to discover new facts or principles is called
a. Scientific method
* b. Research
c. Experiment
d. None
37. The procedure for research is generally known as
a. Research approach
* b. Scientific method
c. Experiment
d. None
38. The assignment of treatments to experimental units so that all units considered have any equal chance of receiving is called
a. Replication
* b. Randomization
c. Local control
d. Treatments
39. The unit of experimental material to which a treatment is applied is called
a. Experiment
* b. Experimental unit
c. Sample
d. Sampling unit
40. Specific measurement of a variable is
a. Variation
* b. Variate
c. Variety
d. None
41. A characteristic of a population is called
a. Statistic
b. Statistics
* c. Parameter
d. Variable
42. A characteristic of a sample is
* a. Statistic
b. Statistics
c. Parameter
d. Variable
43. ________ is the tendency of two variables to be related in a definite manner
a. Regression
* b. Correlation
c. Coefficient of correlation
d. None
44. ________ measures the closeness of the relationship
a. Regression
b. Correlation
* c. Coefficient of correlation
d. None
45. _____ is the amount of change in the dependent variable associated with a unit change in independent variable
a. Correlation
* b. Regression
c. Linear correlation
d. None
46. In linear regression equation Y = a+bx, ________ is regression coefficient
a. Y
b. a
* c. b
d. x
47. _______ represents the variability among the experimental units that remain after the other sources of variation have been removed
a. MSB
* b. MSE
c. MST
48. ________ uses the relationship of a variance of means to the variance per experimental unit
* a. MSB
b. MSE
c. MST
49. A _________ is a dosage of material or a method that is to be tested in the experiment
a. Randomization
b. Replication
* c. Treatment
d. Experimental material
50. ______ is one in which any individual measurement is as likely to be included as any other
a. Sample
b. Population
* c. Random sample
d. None
51. In analysis of variance _______ is used to test equality of means
a. LSD
* b. F TEST
d. t distribution
52. Experimental error determines the ______ in the experiment
a. Similarity
* b. Variability
c. Invariability
d. None
53. _____ design is applied under homogeneous conditions
* a. CRD
c. LSD
d. None
54. If there is one way variation _______ design is applied
a. CRD
* b. RCBD
c. LSD
d. None