Agriculture MCQsPreparation for Agriculture Officer

Agri-MCQs # 16: Agri-Engineering/ Irrigation and Soil Science

Last updated on March 18th, 2021 at 09:03 pm

201At a junction of tree trunk and limbs_________.  a- Growth defect            b-  seasoning defect       c- knots                d- lumber gradescSEE
202The rear bottom of land side is called_____________. a-Heel           b-Wing          c-Bearing              d-ShinaFMP
203The tunnel openings provided infront of a canal head regulator at a diversion headworks_________. a- Discharge sedimented water into the canal b- discharge sediment load into the undersluices, from where I ejects out to the downstream river c- discharge clear water into the canal    d- none of thesebID
204Factor which is not affecting deteriorating rocks____________. a- Rain                  b- temperature                 c- wind                 d- moisture contentdSEE
205Which type of valve arrangements requires the use of rocker arms?
  a- H – head                  b- T – head             c- I – head                        d- L – head
206For proportionality, pipe outlets should be set at__________ depth: a- 0.9                                                                                     b- 0.8 c- 0.6                                                                                     d- 0.3dID
207277-The variation of shear force due to a triangular load on simply supported beam is_________  a- uniform          b- linear               c- parabolic                         d- cubiccSEE
208In diesel engine the component placed at the place of spark plug, is________. a-Nozzle           b- Intake valve       c- Exhaust valve    d- Piston rodaFMP
209The arch action in an arch dam section material_________. a- massive dam section b- economy in quantity of dam section material c- wider base of dam                                                      d- none of thembID
210First rank in Hierarchy of Integrated Solid Waste Management is _________.aSEE
211In mould board plough, the function of tail piece is to____________. a-Turn the furrow slice            b-Lift the soil     c-Pulverize the soil                     d- Cut and loft the soilaFMP
212The lines perpendicular to groundwater flow lines are called________.  a- isohyets                                                                         b- equipotential lines     c- isobars                                                                             d- contoursbID
213Optimum C/N ratio for composting is________. a- 30                      b- 40                      c- 50                       d- none of theseaSEE
214The combustion process in a diesel engine is_____________.
 a. Constant pressure process                             b. Isothermal process c. Constant volume process                              d. Adiabatic process
215The point on hydrograph, up to which all the surface water has drained out, is called:             a- rising point                                                                       b- peak             c- inflexion point                                                 d- both (b-& (c-cID
216There are __________types of Gasifier. a-4         b- 3        c- 8         d- 2bSEE
217Diesel engine______________. a. May be 4-stroke engine                 b. Are 2-stroke engines only   c. Are 4-stroke engines only              d.   May not be 4-stroke engineaFMP
218Cavitation in pumps causes______. a- reduced discharge                                      b- reduced pump efficiency c- damage to impeller                                    d- all of abovedID
219The ratio between the volumetric stress to the volumetric strain is called as__________ a- young’s modulus         b- modulus of elasticity                 c- rigidity modulus           d- bulk moduluscSEE
220In m.b. plough, the land wheel is considered as_______________. a-Plough accessory     b-Plough part    c-The part of land side    d-Component of frogaFMP
221In defining a Froude number applicable to the open channels of any shape, the length parameter used is the___________. a- ratio of area to top width                         b- ratio of area to wetted perimeter c- depth of flow                                                d- square root of the areaaID
222214-Ground resolution of the Landsat 7 ETM+__________. a-30m                   b-15m                   c-Both (a & b)                    d-NonecSEE
223The compression pressure in diesel engine is around______________.
a. 30 Kg/cm2            b. 10 Kg/cm2            c. 20 Kg/cm2            d. 40 Kg/cm2
224Drainage type terraces are not suitable for ___________. a- humid zones                                                 b- semi-arid zones c- tropical zones                                               d- all abovebID
225204-LANDSAT would provide valuable early warning information to which global organization__________ a-FAO                    b-ROTARY                            c-UNESCO                           d-NoneaSEE
226In 4-stroke diesel engines, the sequence of strokes is______________. a-Intake, compression, expansion and exhaust stroke b- Intake, expansion, compression and exhaust stroke c-Expansion, intake, exhaust and compression stroke d-Compression, expansion, intake and exhaust strokeaFMP
227The distance between pipe center line and hydraulic grade line is equal to________. a- elevation head                                             b- pressure head c- velocity head                                                d- headbID
228When a series of connected lines form a closed circuit__________  a- Closed traverse           b- open traverse  c- both (a &b)                   d- none of aboveaSEE
229In m.b. plough, the gauge wheel is used as________________. a-Accessory        b-Part of plough bottom     c-Draft controller        d-ShareaFMP
230The critical Velocity ratio was introduced in kennedy’s equation of critical velocity to take into account the effect of __________________. a- channel cross section                                b- climatic conditions c- silt grade                                                         d- roughness of bedcID
231217-SPOT Satellite was Launched by__________ a-France              b-Spain                c-Japan                d-NoneaSEE
232The temperature of the compressed air should be ______________ of the fuel.
a. Below the flash point                       b. Above the flash point c. Above the fire point                        d. Between the fire and flash point
233Canal headworks in the upper rocky reaches of the rivers, are uncommon, because____ a- more drop are required on the resulting canal system b- costly head regulator is required c- more cross-drainage works are required on the resulting canal network d- all of the abovedID
234Water logging is a source of_________. a- Air pollution                  b- Water pollution           c- Soil pollution                d- All of abovecSEE
235In the intake stroke of diesel engine_____________. a-Only air enters into the cylinder     b-Piston is idle    c-Piston is at the top or cylinder           d-Wheel does not turnaFMP
236Sensitivity index for a wide trapezoidal channel is __________- F: a- 5/3                                                                                    c- 1 c- ¾                                                                                        d- ½aID
237Inaccessible points may be located by the__________ a- Resection method      b- intersection method                  c- radiation method        d- none of abovebSEE
238Adjustments in m.b. plough is done, through_____________. a-Suctions       b-Mould board       c-Share          d-Land sideaFMP
239An arch dam mostly transfers the dam load______________________.  a- vertically on foundation                                          b- horizontally on abutments c- horizontally on foundation                                      d- vertically on abutmentsbID
240Speed of the Earth at 45 N is_____________.  a-1180.7 km/h                 b-1600 km/h     c-1200 km/h                       d-NoneaSEE
241Immediately after ignition, combustion chamber temperatures may reach a value of__.
  a. 15000C                   b. 55000C                      c. 25000C                        d. 75000C
242The annual groundwater storage in an area is equal to___________________ a- land area x drop in water table              b- land area x rise in water table x porosity of formation c- land area x maximum seasonal fluctuation in water table x specific yield of aquifer  d- all of the abovecID
243Which of the following is not a GIS package__________?   a-ArcGIS               b-MapInfo          c-Idrisi32              d-NetscapedSEE
244During intake stroke of diesel engine, the piston rod__________. a-Moves in forward direction     b-Moves backward direction c-Does not move                            d-Moves upto center of the cylinderaFMP
245In double ring infiltrometer, water is filled in the outer ring in order to_______. a- take reading                                                   b- discourage underground lateral movement of water from inner ring  c- encourage underground lateral movement of water from outer ring    d- cool the soilbID
246Which type of the following is related to algae__________? a-Cholera            b-Phormidium                  c-Vorticila            d-Both (a& B)dSEE
247*In m.b. plough, the vertical section is meant for_______________. a-Increasing ploughing depth      b-Reducing furrow width c-Reducing draft                            d-Widening of furrowaFMP
248Upper limit of moisture availability is called____________. a- Gravitational water                                    b- Saturation point c- Field capacity                                                d- Maximum available watercID
249The material which is considered as useless or unwanted is__________ a-Waste               b- Valuable Product       c- Both (a & b)                  d- None of aboveaSEE
250The compression ratio in a diesel engine is as high as__________________.
  a. 25:1                         b. 20:1                                     c. 10:1                          d. 5:1
251At critical depth,_____________________________ a- the discharge is minimum for the given specific energy b- the discharge is maximum for the given specific force c- the discharge is maximum for the given specific energy d- the discharge is minimum for the given specific forcecID
252Desiccation of clay during construction results in cracks that__________ a- reduce the efficiency                                  b-increase the efficiency  c- have no effect on  liner efficiency         d- none of theseaSEE
253In compression stroke of 4-stroke diesel engine, the_____________. a-Intake valve gets open                                         b- Intake valve gets closed     c-Exhaust valve gets open                                      d- None of the abovebFMP
254Water harvesting is most essential for the regions of _____________________. a- humid zones                                                 b- arid zones c- semi-arid zones                                            d- both (b- and (c-dID
255Combustion is an example of __________. a-Waste Generation                       b- Waste Handling c- Waste Collection                          d-Chemical TransformationdSEE
256*In m.b. plough, side clearance is the_______________. a-Horizontal suction       b-Vertical suction     c-Throat clearance     d-Vertical clevisaFMP
257The distance between datum line and energy line is called_________________. a- elevation head                                             b- pressure head c- velocity head                                                d- headdID
258The first photographs of the earth from space were taken in__________.  a-1858                                 b-1958                  c-1863                  d-1963bSEE
259*In general the design of the current regulator is such that its main actuating winding carries full_____________.
a. Generator voltage     b. Generator output        c. Field current           d. Battery voltage
260Lacey’s silt factor is proportional to_________. a- d0.5                                                                                       b- d c- d2                                                                                       d- none of above,  where d is the grain sizeaID
261*There are__________  composting  systems. a-Agitated           b- Static                c-both a & b       d- none of abovecSEE
262In compression stroke of 4-stroke diesel engine, the piston_______________. Moves upward         b- Moves downward  c-   Becomes idle       d-  Moves upto middle of the cylinderaFMP
263A canal head headworks has nothing to do with a ________________. a- weir                                                                  b- guide bank c- head regulator                                              d- safety ladderdID
264Synthetic organic compounds and metals contained in Bio solids are__________.  a-Selenium          b- Nickel            c- Mercury          d- AlldSEE
265An implement which is pulled and guided by single hitch point, is called_______. a-Trailed type implement               b-Mounted type implement c-Semi-mounted type implement      d-Sliding type implementaFMP
266A good irrigation module is one, which_________________ a- draws heavy silt from the canal                             b- draws clear water from the canal c- draws fair share of silt from the canal d- none of abovecID
267The Circumference of the Earth at the equator is__________. a-40075 km        b-79645 km       c-33657                d-NoneaSEE
268*If the connecting rod longer, the side thrust of the piston is___________.
 a. Increased                        b. Constant               c. Decreased          d. none of these
269Leaching is a process by which_________________. a- water is excessively pumped from a waterlogged area b- excess salt in the soil is pushed down by standing water above the soil c- improving the soil structure and texture by adding the soluble chemicals d- sodium ions are removed from irrigation waterbID
270Soil condition also affect the__________. a- Fertility            b- animal health              c- crop yield        d- farm housecSEE
271In 4-stroke engine, there is____________. Only one power stroke                 b-Three idle strokes  c-Three power stroke                   d-  Both (a-& (b-dFMP
272The soil uniformity coefficient ‘Cu’ is equal to________. a– D60/D10                                                                          b- D10/D60         c- D40/D10                                                                          d- D10/D40        aID
273Water present underground surface is greater than water on ground surface is about __________. a- 12 times          b- 5 times            c- 48 times          d- 38 timesdSEE
274*The true point of hitch of a tractor is the______________. a-Centre of power       b-Centre of resistance      c-Line of pull       d-Vertical clevisaFMP
275Which of the following crops is used as standard for determining potential ET? a- fodder                                                             b- citrus  c- wheat                                                             d- alfalfa             dID
276The working principle of optical square is based on__________.  a- Reflection      b- Refraction      c- Double reflection         d- None of abovecSEE
277*In a six cylinder engine there is balance of______________.
a. Primary forces only    b. Secondary forces only    c. Both primary and secondary forces   d. none
278Lower limit of moisture availability is called___________________. a- Hygroscopic moisture                                               b- Minimum available moisture c- Permanent wilting point                                           d- None of abovecID
279_____________indicates the shifting of the instrument.  a-Change point                b- Height of instrument                  c- Both (a & b)  d- NoneaSEE
280In expansion stroke of engine, when fine spray of diesel is injected into cylinder, the piston reaches at__________. The upper part of cylinder     b- The middle of cylinder     c- The bottom of the cylinder         d-  None of the aboveaFMP
281For a given open channel carrying a certain discharge the critical depth depends upon ______ a- the geometry of the channel                  b- the viscosity of water c- the roughness of the channel                 d- the longitudinal slope of the channelaID
282The range of zinc in drinking water according to WHO is__________.  a- 2mg/litre       b- 4mg/litre        c- 5mg/litre         d- 3mg/litredSEE
283In tractor drawn plough the center of pull is the_________. a-True point of hitch      d-Centre of resistance     c-Line of pull     d-Vertical suctionaFMP
284Underground dams are meant for _________________. a- erosion control                                                             b- water harvesting c- runoff control                                                               d- both (b- and (c-dID
285What is the diameter of four tower trickling filter__________.  a-50m                  b-60m                   c-70m                  d-80maSEE
286Vibration damper _____________.
a. controls the torsional vibrations       b. drives the pulley c. dampens the engine speed                d. reduces the speed of the flywheel
287The distance between datum line and pipe center line is called______________. a- elevation head                                             b- pressure head c- velocity head                                                d- headaID
288What is the average depth of rock packing__________. a-2 ft                     b-4 ft                     c-6 ft                      d-8 ftcSEE
289The fine spray of the diesel oil is injected into the cylinder, during________. Intake stroke   c-  Compression stroke   c- Power stroke    d-Exhaust strokecFMP
290The wetted perimeter P of a stable channel is proportional to________________.                 a- Q                                                                                        b- Q0.5              c- Q2                                                                                        d- none of above, where Q is the dischargebID
291A 20 m chain is divided into__________. a- 150 links         b- 100 links        c- 200 links          d- 250 linksbSEE
292The total force required to pull an implement is called____________. a-Draft               b-Pull             c-H.p            d-ThrustbFMP
293A fish ladder is provided in a canal project_____________. a- to catch the fish for commercial development b- to enable the fish to move freely in the river c- to serve the same purpose as a canal ladder d- both b- and c-bID
294270-A redundant truss is defined by the truss satisfying the equation__________.                  a- m = 2j – 3        b– m < 2j + 3       c- m > 2j – 3         d– m > 2j + 3bSEE
295The fit of the piston to the cylinder is measured at the__________.
  a. Piston skirt                  b. Piston head         c. Point of minimum diameter  d. none
296An irrigation outlet is said to be proportional, when its__________________. a- sensitivity is 1                                                b- flexibility is 1 c- setting is 1                                                      d- all of abovebID
297Work is intentionally of good quality if wood is__________.  a- Well seasoned            b-  knots               c-  shake               d-  decayedaSEE
298In exhaust stroke, the piston is_____________. Pushed upward   b-  Pushed downward   c-  Idle in position   d-None of the aboveaFMP
299A land is said to be waterlogged when__________________________. a- WT rises to an extent that soil pores in the rootzone of crop becomes saturated b- high WT restrict normal circulation of air c- there is a decline in the of oxygen and increase  in level of  carbon dioxide d- all of abovedID
300The internal focusing telescope is focused by moving the______  .  a-Convex lens     b- concave lens                               c-palano convex lens      d- nonebSEE
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