Agriculture MCQsPreparation for Agriculture Officer

Agri-MCQs # 16: Agri-Engineering/ Irrigation and Soil Science

Last updated on March 18th, 2021 at 09:03 pm

601When petrol burns completely, two of the compounds that are formed are_______. a-Carbon dioxide and water               b- Water and oxygen
c- Hydrocarbon and oxygen                d- Nitrogen and oxygen
602Aquifer having same hydraulic conductivity at different points as well as in different directions is called_____________. a- homogeneous                                                              b- isotropic c- anisotropic                                                                     d- both (a-& (b-dID
603238-Chlorine in NHCL4 called__________.  a- free available chlorine               b- combine available chlorine  c- mono chloramines                      d- nonebSEE
604In I.C. engine, the tappet is made of________. a-Hardened steel      b- Cast iron     c-  Mild steel    d- ChromiumaFMP
605When an air mass is cooled at constant vapor pressure, it gets condensed at a temperature, called__________________________. a- lapse rate                                                                       b- saturation point c- dew point                                                                       d- none of thesecID
606Resistance of material to passage of liquid is called__________.  a- Ease of cleaning b- resilience c- imperviousness d-  scratchcSEE
607Chisel plough is a_____________. a-Primary tillage implements           b-Secondary tillage implement c-Lister                              d-Mulch formeraFMP
608For Agricultural point of view, effective rainfall is that portion that contributes to_____. a- Ground water recharge                                            b- Dam storage c- crop rootzone                                                               d- River supplycID
609Paints are used as__________.  a- Coating material b- preservatives c- water resistant d- nonebSEE
610With an increase in temperature the resistance of carbon is___________.
a- Unchanged                      b- Decreased
c- Increased                         d- None of the Above
611In a wide rectangular channel if the normal depth is increased by 20%, the discharge would increase by____________________. a- 20%                                                                                   b- 15.5% c- 35.5%                                                                               d- 41.3%cID
612The material which gives well finish is__________.  a- Metal sheet b-  plaster c-  mortar d-  concretebSEE
613The clearance between rocket arm and valve stem, is called_____________. a-Tappet clearance   b-  Valve clearance  c-  Sleeve    d-  Buffer spaceaFMP
614The falling drops of water become sphere due to _____________________. a- surface tension of water                                          b- compressibility of water b- viscosity of water                                                        d- capillarity of wateraID
615Carbon produce by factories can travel __________. a- 25miles b-<20 miles c->30miles d->20 milesaSEE
616Components of m.b. plough are bolted to_______________. a-Plough bottom            b-Landside           c-Frog            d-ShincFMP
617Kor-Watering is the irrigation water supplied to a crop__________________. a- at the time of its sowing                                           b- Just before harvesting c- About three weeks after sowing                           d- About three weeks before harvestingcID
618Wavelength of Visible Light__________. a-400-700nm b-10-1000nm c-0.4-0.7mm d-None of the AboveaSEE
619Almost all bearing used in automotive engines are_____________.
a- Guide bearings                         b- Friction bearings c- Antifriction bearings                d- None of the Above

620The side slope of lined section usually adopted is selected from the consideration of_______. a- easy construction                                                        b- minimum c- minimum evaporation loss d- approximately the same as the angle of repose of the existing natural soildID
621Spherical co-ordinates are utilized when radial distance and two angles are utilized to specify the position of particles as in case of __________.  a-super sonic measurement    b-Doppler effect    c-Radar measurement  d- radius measurementcSEE
622In I.C. engine, theoretically, the exhaust valve should be opened at______________. a-T.D.C. and B.D.C   b- B.D.C   c- Upward or downward side   d- None of the aboveaFMP
623Retrogression is _________________. a- the backwater effect of weir b- the rising of the river bed upstream of the weir, during initial years of its construction c- the lowering of the river bed upstream of the weir, during initial years of its construction d- none of themcID
624If a particle is confined to a specific path its motion is said to__________.     a-Straight line      b-CirculaR       c- Constrained              d-none of thesecSEE
625Horizontal suction is also called________________. a-Vertical clearance           b-Land suction     c-Side clearance      d-Throat clearancebFMP
626‘Duty on capacity’ is also called____________. a- outlet duty                                                                     b- capacity factor c- full supply coefficient                                d- quantity dutycID
627Biogas can be produced by__________. a- farmyard manure   b- Crop residue   c- kitchen waste  d- All of abovedSEE
628Petrol and Gasoline is called a hydrocarbon because it consists essentially of_________.
a- Carbon and Hydrogen                      b- Oxygen and Hydrogen c- Carbon and Oxygen                           d- None of the Above

629For preventing weeds and grass growth, the minimum velocity in an earthen drain in m/s should be_________. a- 0.3                                                                                     b- 0.6 c- 0.8                                                                                     d- 1.0bID
630When reduced level of some fixed points are assumed they are termed____    .   a-GTS bench marks       b- Permanent bench marks      c- Arbitrary bench marks  d- Temporary bench markscSEE
631Generally, in 4-stoke diesel engine, the inlet valve gets opened at___________. a-5o before T.D.C      b- 5o after B.D.C       c- 10o after B.D.C      d- 5o after T.D.CaFMP
632A geologic formation which can only store water but cannot transmit significant amounts, is called_______-. a-aquitard                                                                           b-aquifuge          c-aquiclude                                                                         d- confined aquifercID
633171-Under anaerobic conditions sulphate can be reduced to__________. a-sulphide b-sulphate c-disulphate d- none of theseaSEE
634Cutting edge of share is 9ocalled_________. a-Shin                 b-Frog         c-Gunnel        d-SkirtaFMP
635A constant infiltration rate, which is achieved after the soil is saturated, is called_____. a- maximum infiltration rate                                        b- basic infiltration rate c- lapse rate                                                                       d- none of these              bID
636Hypothtical body capable of absorbing it receives is called__________.  a- Black body b- emissivity c- absorptive body d- cylindrical bodyaSEE
637The three general types of friction bearings are___________.
a-Journal, ball and roller                   b- Journal, guide and thrust c- Journal, shaft and thrust               d- None of the Above

638Crop water requirement is the function of__________________.              a- Soil factors                                                                     b- Crop factors c- Irrigation method                                                        d- Both a- and b-dID
639Percentage contribution of carbon to the greenhouse effect on earth is__________.  a- 5-8% b- 9-26% c- 8-14% d- 2-5%bSEE
640Generally, in 4-stoke diesel engines, the inlet valve gets closed at__________.    a-30o before B.D.C    b- 5o after B.D.C   c- 5o after T.D.C  d- 30o after T.D.CaFMP
641A triangular section is hydraulically efficient when the vertex angle is_____________. a- 90o                                                                                    b- 120 o c- 60o                                                                                    d- 30 oaID
642The curvature of earth is take into consideration is called__________surveying  a-Plane surveying b- geodetic surveying c- both a and b d- none of abovebSEE
643Transplanting is generally best for___________. a-Paddy                      b-Flower               c-Vegetable            d-All abovedFMP
644The numerical value of 1 Pa of pressure is equal to ___________. a- 1 N/m2                                                                            b- 1kN/m2 c- 1 MN/m2                                                                        d- none of theseaID
645The variation of g with altitude is easily determined from__________.     a-g= goR2/(R-h-2         b-g=goR2/(R+h-2               c- g= goR2/(R-h-             d-g=goR2/(R+h-bSEE
646When different forces act at angles on connecting rod bearing, the combining of these forces produces a____________.
a- Remaining force           b- Canceling force c- Resultant force             d- Negative Force
647The duty of irrigation water for a given crop is maximum_____________. a- on the field                                                                    b- at the head of the main canal c- at the head of the water course                            d- none of themaID
648LAT/LONG of (0,0- represents what place__________.   a-Greenwich    b-Narowal          c-Newyork          d-CaliforniaaSEE
649The sequence of power stroke in engine, cylinder, is called__________. a-Firing order   b- Stroke order   c- Missing order   d- Ignition orderbFMP
650Drainage behind canal lining is required________________. a- to cater for the drainage of canal water b- to cater for excess hydraulic pressure behind the canal lining c- when subgrade is free draining                              d- all of abovebID
651__________is a point where radius of curvature is infinite.     a-zero               b-1000 m                              c-inflection                       d-nonecSEE
652Regular trailing type disc plough is pulled___________. a-Behind tractor           b-In front of tractor     c-In front of bullock      d-All aboveaFMP
653The back water effect of a weir is best called________________. a- retrogression                                                b- afflux c- back water curve                                         d- none of thembID
654The tangent o the longitudinal surface of the bubble tube is known as__________.    a- Axis of bubble b- Centre of the bubble  c- profile of the bubble  d- noneaSEE
655Two of the three connecting rod bearing loads that increase as engine speeds increase are___________. a- Centrifugal and inertia loads                    b- Torsional and pressure loads
c- Pressure and inertia loads                         d- Pressure and centrifugal loads
656Unlined irrigation canals, when aligned on curvilinear routes in plan, will have to be pitched on_________________. a- both sides                                                                      b- concave side only c- convex side only                                                          d- none of the abovebID
657What is the shape of trickling filter__________. a-Round, thin b-Square , thin c-Round, square                 d- nonecSEE
658Firing order denotes the________. a-Sequence of all strokes in engine      b-  Sequence of power strokes, only b-Ignition of fuel in cylinder                  d- Order of fuel and air entry into the cylinderaFMP
659For lowering WT to greater depths, the effective drainage method is___________. a- open drain                                                     b- mole drainage c- closed drain                                                   d- all of themcID
660Open traverses is suitable in survey of__________.  a- Ponds b- rivers c- estates d- lakesbSEE
661The frame of seed drill is made of______________. a-Angle iron                 b-Mild steel           c- m.s. pipe             d-wood  aFMP
662Constant head permeability test is used to determine permeability_____________.  a- Of any type of soil in field                                       b- Of  relatively fine-grained soils in lab c- Of relatively coarse-grained soils in lab               d- None of thesecID
663Types of Landfill are__________. a-Trench Type  b- Area Type        c- Slope Landfill               d- all of abovedSEE
664In the engine there must be relative motion between the piston and the connecting rod___________. a- Atmospheric pressure, inertia and torsional vibration Centrifugal force, inertia and combustion pressureInertia, engine speed and centrifugal forceNonebFMP
665Pumps are used to___________________. a- Elevate fluid                                                  a- move fluid c- Pressurized fluid                                          d- All of abovedID
666Sources of solid waste are__________. a- residential  b- commercial  c-institutionad- all of abovedSEE
667In 4-cylinder engines, the most commonly used firing order, is_________. a-1-3-4-2         b- 1-4-2-6-3-5           c- 1-43-1          d- 1-5-3-6-2-4dFMP
668Crop water requirement may be determined by_____________. a- Soil moisture sampling                                              b- Climatic methods c- Water balance approach                                          d- All of abovedID
669An oblique aerial photograph of the earth is one taken__________.  a-At an Angle b-At ground level c-By Electronic sensing d-NoneaSEE
670The sub-soilers are operated by tractor of_______________. a-60 to 80 hp             b-35 hp             c-50 hp            d-25 to 35 hpaFMP
671The hydraulic jump is a phenomenon__________________________ a- in which the water surface connects the alternate depths b- which occurs only in frictionless channels c- which occurs only in rectangular channels                        d- none of thesedID
672Which one is not the constituent of principle landfill gases__________. a-carbon dioxide b-methane c-VOCscSEE
673The rotating effect of the connecting rod on the connecting rod bearing produces__________.
a-Pressure load                 b- Inertia load
c- Centrifugal load            d- All of the Above
674The absolute pressure is equal to_______________. a- gauge pressure – atmosphere pressure            b- gauge pressure + vacuum pressure c- atmosphere pressure + gauge pressure             d- atmosphere pressure – gauge pressurecID
675The space of farm used for living properly is__________.  a- Dweller b- farm house c- farm yard d- farm service buildingbSEE
676In 6-cylinder engines, the most commonly used firing order, is____________.     a-1-4-2-6-3-5      b- 1-5-3-6-2-4    c- 5-4-2-3-1-1    d-  Both (a&b)dFMP
677The first important watering of crops is usually called________________. a-paley watering                                                              b-kor-watering c- crop-watering                                                               d- all of the abovebID
678Any plane passing through the vertical line is known as________      a-Vertical  plane  b- Horizontal plane  c- both A and B   d- noneaSEE
679Tillage is done to create a favorable condition for__________. a-Seed placement         b-Plant growth     c-Intercultural operations    d-Both (a & b)dFMP
680Pressure release valves are provided in the canal lining_____________-. a- to release excess pressure built up in canal section b- to release excess hydrostatic pressure built up in canal section                               c- when subgrade is free draining                              d- all of abovebID
681Soil erosion is a type of__________.   a- Natural source pollution          b- Manmade source pollution c- Agricultural pollution d- None of theseaSEE
682Twisting and untwisting of the crankshaft is called________.
a- Torsional vibration                  b- Power impulsion
c- Torsional balance                    d- Work
683For the head regulator, the most severe condition of uplift pressure on the floor occurs when____________-. a- the flow in the river is at flood level and canal is running at full supply depth b- the canal runs dry and the river flow is at full flood level c- the canal runs at full supply depth and the river flow is at the pond level d- the canal runs dry and the river flow is at the pond levelbID
684The example of Statically indeterminate structures are__________. a- continuous beam        b- cantilever beam c-over-hanging beam     d- both cantilever and fixed beam.aSEE
685Two-wheeler scooters have_________. a-2 cylinders       b- 3 cylinders          c- 1 cylinder              d- No cylindercFMP
686The canal which is not supposed to do any irrigation is called___________________. a- main canal                                                                      b- watercourse c- major distributary                                                       d- minor distributaryaID
687Which is NOT a commonly used coding scheme for images__________. a-JPEG                  b-GIF                     c-MPG                  d-TIFFcSEE
688In minimum tillage the plough is being followed by a_________. a-Row crop planter        b-Seed drill          c-Coulter          d-Disc ploughaFMP
689The alignment of surface drain should be____________. a- ridge line                                                                        b- drainage line c- shortest route                                                              d- all of thembID
690Source of municipal waste are__________.  a- Domestic waste b- Commercial waster c- Industrial waste d- All of abovedSEE
691The ratio of the cylinder volume at BDC and the clearance volume is called________.
a- Clearance ratio                   b- Volumetric ratio
c- Compression ratio              d- None of the Above
692The equations used for steady radial flow into a well are called______________. a-Thiem’s equations                                                       b-Dupuit’s equations       c-Theis equations                                                           d- none of theseaID
693The sensitiveness o the bubble is directly related to__________.  a- The length of bubble tube                       b- The radius of curvature of bubble tube    c- the cross section of the bubble tube  d- nonebSEE
694Maruti-800 car has_______________.   a-3 cylinders    b- 2 cylinders   c- 1 cylinder  d- 4 cylindersaFMP
695For irrigation purposes following pumps are used__________________. a- Reciprocating                                                                b- Rotary c- Centrifugal                                                                     d- diaphragmcID
696Which senses the change in the environmental changes__________.  a- Skin b- Trees c- Man d- HealthdSEE
697Ridge planting is generally used in the areas of_______________. a-Low rainfall          b-High rainfall          c-Low temperature       d-Clay soilsbFMP
698Flood Irrigation suitable for ___________________________. a- Sandy soils                                                     b- Clay soils c- Organic soils                                                  d- None of abovebID
699We can’t survive without air more than__________.  a- 10min b- 15min c- 20min d- 5mindSEE
700The power developed inside the engine cylinder is called______________. a- IHP        b- FHP           c- BHP               d- None of the AboveaFMP
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