Agriculture MCQsPreparation for Agriculture Officer

Agri-MCQs # 16: Agri-Engineering/ Irrigation and Soil Science

Last updated on March 18th, 2021 at 09:03 pm

901Piston speed of high speed tractor engine is from______________. a-300 to 500 rpm   b- 1000 to 1500 rpm   c-  250 to 400 rpm  d-  50 to 750 rpmaFMP
902A perched water table_____________________. a- may lie below the groundwater table b- may lie above the groundwater table c- both (a-& (b-                                                 d- none of thesebID
903What is the emissivity of a black body__________. a-E = 1 b-E <1 c-E >1  d-NoneaSEE
904In disc harrow/plough the cross-section of hole in discs is______________. a-Circular           b-Rectangular          c-Triangular         d-SquaredFMP
905Donkey pumps use _______________. a- centrifugal action for pumping                              b- Rotary action for pumping c- to and fro motion for pumping                              d-venturi action for  pumpingcID
906Smog is a kind of__________.  a- Air pollution  b- Water pollution c- Noise pollution d- Direct pollutionaSEE
907Plastic deformation results from the following_________. a-Slip    b- Twinning     c-  Both     d- NonecFMP
908With the increase in organic matter,_______________________ a- Moisture holding capacity increases   b- Soil texture improves b- Soil porosity increases                                              d- Both a- and c-dID
909Which one is the method for land filling is most suitable for site where adequate cover material is Available__________.  a- Area method b- trench method c- canyon methodbSEE
910Which of the following, is un-measurable parameter of I.C. engine Brake mean effective pressure_____________________ a-BHP                        b- IHP                     c- H.P.         d- noneaFMP
911In splash erosion the raindrop energy acts in the form of___________________. a- kinetic energy                                                               b- potential energy c- chemical energy                                                          d- none of theseaID
912Problems that is associated with the earth’s atmospheres in Remote sensing__________.  a-Scattering b-Absorption c-Both a & b d-NonecSEE
913In spike tooth harrow the teeth are arranged_______________. a-Zig-zag           b-Just behind each other            c-Alternatively     d-Very closebFMP
914Force on an immersed surface inclined at an angle θ with the liquid surface is ______. a-γhcA                                                                                  b-γAhc/sin θ c-γAhc/cos θ                                                                      d-γAhc/tan θaID
915In mature landfills, the BODs/CoD ratio is often in the range of__________. a-0.05-0.2            b- 0.03-0.4         c- 0.04-0.1           d-0.01-0.07aSEE
916Time dependent recoverable deformation under load is called deformation_________. a-Elastic     b- An-elastic      c- Elastic after-effect    d -Visco-elasticbFMP
917The efficiency of the water conveyance does not depend upon_________________. a- climate conditions                                                      b- geometry of the conveyance system c- nature of the boundary of the conveyance system       d- method of application of waterdID
918The  function of secondary liner in double leachate is__________.  a-drain the leachate  b- to collect the leachate  c-leak detectioncSEE
919Engine weight per hp is greater, in__________________. a-Diesel engines      b- Steam engines    c- Petrol engines  d- Both (a& b)bFMP
920For the most economical trapezoidal channel section ________________. a- Hydraulic mean radius equals the depth of flow            b- Hydraulic mean radius equals half the depth of flow c- Bottom with is twice the depth of flow              d- Bottom with is half the depth of flowbID
921The main survey stations are located on ground by__________. a- Index sketches b- Reference sketches  c- Line sketches d- None of abovebSEE
922In spring tooth harrow a light harrowing can be made by____________. a-Keeping the teeth in slant position        b-Reducing speed c-Putting some additional weight              d-Increasing tilt angleaFMP
923Canal escape provided to___________. a- to escape surplus or excess water from canal b- to escape canal water for  emptying it in the event of breach c- periodical flushing of silt prone head reach of a canal head d- all of above                                                  dID
924Nitrogen contribution in atmospheric gases is about__________.  a- 85% b- 80%  c- 55% d- 79%dSEE
925Which of the following could not be used to indicate a temperature change? A change in__________________. Color of a metal rod.length of a liquid columnpressure of a gas at constant volume  d – mass of one mole of gas at constant pressuredFMP
926The regulator constructed on a major distributary near its junction with minor distributary, will be called ________. a- distributary head regulator                                     b- cross regulator c- regulating head                                                            d- none of the abovebID
927RADAR stands for__________. a-Radio Angle Direction And range           b-Radio Detection And Ranging                 c-Both a & b,                                                      d-NonebSEE
928Cylinder head of I.C. engine is made of______________. a-Cast iron      b- Cast aluminum      c- Bronze     d-  Both (a& b)dFMP
929Rice cultivation with abundant of water standing in the fields __________- a- adds to waterlogging                                 b- is a land reclamation measure c- results in salinity                                                          d- none of abovebID
930The study of relationship between motion and corresponding forces which cause or accompany the motion__________. a-static                        b-kinetics        c-dynamics            d-mechanicbSEE
931Blade harrow is the_____________. a-Bukhar           b-Triangular harrow      c-Spring tooth harrow    d-Acme harrowaFMP
932A spring may be formed when a sloping permeable bed is interrupted by________. a- a dyke                         b- an impermeable bed due to the presence of a fault c- both (a-& (b-                 d- none of thesecID
933The space used for housing of implements__________.  a- Dweller b- farm house c- farm stead d- farm service buildingaSEE
934In tractor, the differential lock, locks the________________. a-Fuel supply system        b- Driven wheel   c-  Differential unit    d- Ignition systemdFMP
935In jet pump,_______________. a- rotary and centrifugal action are combined b- rotary and reciprocating action are combined c- centrifugal and venture actions are combined d- centrifugal and rotary action are combinedcID
936168-In double liner the function of primary liner is to__________.  a-drain the leachate b- to collect the leachate c-leak detectionbSEE
937Main bearings of I.C. engine, are made of___________________. a-White metal      b- Steel backed Babbitt base     c- Aluminum       d- Both (a& b)dFMP
938During watercourse design,___________. a- Highest field to be irrigated in considered b- Lowest field to be irrigated in considered c- Average command area elevation is considered d- Length of the watercourse is consideredaID
939Survey which depict the natural features of country are known as__________.  a- Cadastral surveys b- topographic surveys c- Engineering surveys d- none of abovebSEE
940Primary function of cultivator is to________________. a-Destroy the weeds     b-Level the field     c-Crush the clods      d-Compact the landaFMP
941Kinetic energy of raindrop depends on_______________________. a- terminal velocity of raindrop                  b- drop diameter c- rainfall intensity                                           d- none of thesedID
942The Engineer chain is long__________. a- 33 ft b- 34 ft c- 40 ft d- 100 ftdSEE
943What temperature change on the Kelvin scale is equivalent to a 10 degree change on the Celsius scale? a-283 k         b- 273 k             c- 18 k            d- 10 k FMP
944The center of gravity of the volume of liquid displaced by a floating body is called____. a- center of pressure                                                      b- center of buoyancy c- metacenter                                                                   d- all of abovebID
945A jointed frame that is used to support load over a relatively long span__________.  a- Beam and post b- trusses c- arch d- bracesbSEE
946Cam shaft of engine, is made of_____________. a-Forged steel          b- Cast steel       c- Babbitt         d- Both a & bdFMP
947The object if irrigation is to____________________. a- Raise crops                                                                    b- provide water to fields c- make water available to cultivators with respect to location, time and quantity as per the crop requirements d- none of abovecID
948What is the range depth of trickling filter__________. a-4 to 10m b-4 to 8m c-4 to 6m d-4 to 12mdSEE
949Cultivator with spring loaded tines, are_________________. a-Mounted type         b-Fixed type        c-Trailed type      d-None of the aboveaFMP
950The channels, whose boundaries are made of easily erodible loose soils, are called___. a- mobile boundary channels                                    b- rigid boundary channels c- non-alluvial channels                                 d- none of aboveaID
951__________is the first  functional elements of waste management system a- Waste Generation      b- Waste Handling           c-Waste Collection           d-Waste Transfer and TransportaSEE
952Indicated horse power (IHP- indicates, the______________. a-Power generated in the engine cylinder    b- Power received by the piston c-Power lost through engine cylinder          d- Both (a& b)dFMP
953Cross regulator in main canals are provided to_______________. a- regulate water supply in the offtaking channel b- regulate water supply in the main canal            c- regulate excessive flood water d- head up water for adequate supply into off taking channeldID
954The proportion reflected from the snow covered surface is called__________. a-Brook b-Caldera c-Sinusoid d-NonedSEE
955Valve springs, are made of_______________________. a-Carbon spring steel       b- Forged steel         c- Cast iron       d- Steel alloyaFMP
956The arrangement made in canal headwork, which acts as its safety valve, is_______. a- canal ladder                                                                   b- canal crossing c- cattle crossing                                                               d- all of abovecID
957In which level telescope is fixed to its support__________.      a-Dumpy level  b- Y-level  c- Both A and B  d- noneaSEE
958Number of sweeps in duck foot cultivator is____________________. a-7              b-2                        c-5                             d-3aFMP
959A land is said to be water-logged, when____________________. a- the land is necessarily submerged under standing water           b- there is a flowing water over the land c- the pH value of the soil becomes as high as 8.5 d- the soil pores in the root zone get saturated with water either by the actual water table or by its capillary fringedID
960The Revenue chain is long__________. a- 33 ft b- 34 ft c- 40 ft d- 100 ftaSEE
961When an ideal gas is isothermally compressed__________________. a-Thermal energy flows from the gas to the atmosphere b-the temperature of the gas decreases c- no thermal energy enters or leaves the gas d- the temperature of the gas increasescFMP
962Which of the following factors contribute towards high porosity of soil? a- uniform particle sized soil                        b- non-uniform soil with wider range in size c- rhombic packing or arrangement of grains        d- all of theseaID
963What layer of the atmosphere contains most of the water vapor__________. a-Thermosphere b-troposphere  c-stratosphere  d-None of the abovedSEE
964Fly wheel of I.C. engine, is made of___________________. a-Cast iron        b- Bronze        c- Alloy          d- BabbittaFMP
965For a centrifugal pumps when discharge increase,__________________. a- head also increase                                                      b- head decrease c- head remains same                                                    d- efficiency increasebID
966At the equator the dip of needle is__________.  a- 180o b- 0 o c- 90 o d- 120 obSEE
967A puddler is the device used for______________________. a-Churning the soil in standing water           b-Leveling the soil c-Crushing the clods          d-Killing the weeds during ploughingaFMP
968Watercourse forms_____________________. a- Primary component of irrigation system b- Secondary component of irrigation system c- Tertiary component of irrigation system d- None of abovecID
969 The forces which meet at a point are called__________. a- collinear forces b- concurrent forces              c- coplanar forces d- parallel forcesbSEE
970Which of the following is always true for an isothermal process of an ideal gas? a-the internal energy does not change     b- no heat flows into or out of the system c-the pressure does not change                d-the volume does not changeaFMP
971An intense storm involves_________________. a- greater intensity                                                          b- greater kinetic energy c- greater potential energy                                          d- both (a- and (b-dID
972Radiation when penetrates the cell wall of microorganisms with a wavelength__________.        a- 150nm b- 50nm c- 254nm d- 25nmcSEE
973Studs and bolts, are made of____________________. a-Carbon steel       b-  Cast iron         c-  Mild steel          d-  BronzeaFMP
974When a body floating in a liquid is given a small angular displacement, it starts oscillating about a point. This point is known as_____________________. a- center of pressure                                                      b- center of gravity c- center of buoyancy                                                    d- metacenterdID
975A metabolic process in which an organism converts a carbohydrate into alcohol or acid is called__________.  a- Fermentation b-anaerobic digestion  c- Both a & b  d- NoneaSEE
976Ridger is not_________________. a-Primary tillage implement                                  b-Secondary tillage implement c-Used for constructing ridges in the field          d-Both (a& b)dFMP
977Irrigation___________________________. a- is eco-friendly with proper drainage in command area b- is eco-friendly even without adequate drainage c- Has no relation with drainage                d- none of aboveaID
978TDS in drinking water according to WHO should be__________.   a->1000 mg/liter b-<1000 mg/liter c- 1500 mg/liter d- 400 mg/literbSEE
979Which of the following temperatures would be most appropriate to keep milk at inside a refrigerator? a-20 c                    b- 5 k                                     c- 40 c                   d- 278 kdFMP
980In an irrigation canal, berms are provided at__________________. a- NSL                                                                   b- FSLN c- Bank level                                                                       d- none of aboveaID
981Combustion of toxic waste is called__________ a-Combustion  b- Pyrolysis           c- Incineration d- All of abovecSEE
982 Aluminum-alloy pistons are used in_______________. a-High speed engine          b- Low speed engine    c-  2-stroke engine, only     d- Steam engine, onlyaFMP
983Cross regulator in main canals are provided to______. a- to minimize the amount of silt entering the main canal b- to let maximum silt carried into the branch canal c- for no specific purpose                                             d- to carry canal across drainaID
984Nauseas is__________.  a- Greek word b- Latin word c- Arabian word  d- English wordbSEE
985 Ridge plough is the_____________________. a-Ridge            b-M.B plough          c-Double M.B plough         d-Both (a& b)dFMP
986When an irrigation canal is taken over a drainage channel, the crossing is called_____. a- an aqueduct                                                  b- a super passage c- a level crossing                                             d- none of themaID
987To reduce the volume and weight of solid waste is called __________ A- Waste Generation B- Waste Handling  C-Waste Collection D-Waste TransformationdSEE
988Tachometer measures____________________. a-Engine speed    b- Engine power    c- BHP    d- IHPaFMP
989Water-logging of cropped land leads to reduced crop yields, due to_____________. a- ill-aeration of root zone, causing lack of oxygen to plants b- growth of water-loving plants interfering with the sown crops c- surrounding of the root zone by the resulting saline water, which extracts the good water from plant roots by osmosis d- all of the abovedID
990In a Cantilever beam, the maximum bending moment is induced at__________.      a-at the free end    b- at the fixed end c- at the mid span of the beam d- none of the aboveaSEE
991In engines the aluminum alloy pistons are electroplated with_____________. a-Cadmium        b- Tin        c- Nickel      d- Both (a& b)DFMP
992The values of specific yield for alluvial aquifers are in the range of_______________. a- 10-20%                                                            b- 30-40%            c- less than 5%                                                   d- more than 40%AID
993Methods commonly used to assess solid waste quantities are__________. a- Load count analysis b- Materials balance analysis c- Weight volume analysis d- All theseDSEE
994Hand hoes are used for________________. a-Primary tillage works    b-Inter culture works  c-Mulch formation   d-PuddingBFMP
995NPSHR is a function of ___________________. a- pump                                                                               b- system c- both pump and system                                             d- fluid handledAID
996Lines passing through points of equal declination is__________. a- Isogonics lines b- agonic lines c- both a and b d- none of aboveASEE
997A gas is enclosed in a cylindrical piston. When the gas is heated from 0C to 100C, the piston is allowed to move to maintain a constant pressure. According to the Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Matter______________. a-the mass of the gas will increase b-the number of molecules of gas must increase
c- the size of the individual molecules has increase d-the average speed of the molecules has increased
998Watercourses should be improved to __________-. a- Save water                                                                     b- Increase command area c- Increase watercourse capacity                               d- All of aboveDID
999The length of Gunter chain is__________.  a- 100 ft b- 50 ft c- 66 ft d- 150 ftCSEE
1000The most common type of piston of piston ring used in engine, is_____________. a-Oil control ring           b- Compression control ring c-Gaskets ring                d-  Both (a& b)DFMP
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